Carl Rogers Award 2009
Peter F. Schmid was awarded the Carl Rogers Award 2009 of the APA (American Psychological Association) "for outstanding contributions to the theory and practice of Humanistic Psychology".
Peter F. Schmid,
Recipient Maureen O'Hara, President, Society for Humanistic Psychology Toronto, August 8, 2009 |
The Carl Rogers Award Address (pdf)
Symposium "Person & Dialog"
Dear Dr. Schmid,
On behalf of the Executive Board of the Society for Humanistic Psychology/Division 32 of the American Psychological Association (APA), I am pleased to report that you have been chosen as the 2009 recipient of the Society’s Carl Rogers Award for “outstanding contributions to the theory and practice of humanistic psychology”. We hope you will accept this major Award. The only requirement of the Award is that you deliver the Carl Rogers Award Address at the 2009 APA Convention in Toronto, Canada, on any subject of your choosing.
Yours sincerely,
Frank Farley, Ph.D.
President, Society for Humanistic Psychology/APA Division 32
Rogers & Schmid, Vienna, 1981
PERSON UND DIALOG - Kontinuität und Veränderung im Personzentrierten Ansatz
PERSON AND DIALOGUE - Continuity and Change in the Person-Centered Approach
Internationales Symposium anlässlich der
Verleihung des Carl-Rogers-Preises der APA an Peter F. Schmid
International Symposium on the occasion of the receipt of the Carl Rogers
Award 2009 of the APA
8.-9. Mai 2009 (Fr 15.00 - 19.00, Sa 10.00-18.00 & abends)
Österreichisches Museum für Volkskunde, Laudongasse 15-19,1080 Wien | Vienna
mit | with Art Bohart, Suzanne Keys, Maureen O'Hara, Alfred Pritz, Peter F. Schmid