© Peter F. Schmid pfs 1999-2014 (V.11.0  - 17 02 2014), some additions Dec. 2018

Explanation of signs | Zeichenerklärung

book | Buch
manuscript | Manuskript
interview or discussion with Rogers [title between square brackets]
Interview oder Diskussion mit Rogers [Titel in eckigen Klammern]
public demonstration interview
öffentliches Demonstrationsgespräch
Film (F-19xx)
Video tape (V-19xx)
Audio tape (A-19xx)
CD-ROM (2002)
Titles are printed in bold letters
Werktitel sind fett gedruckt
[Titles of interviews with Rogers]
[Titel von Interviews mit Rogers]
[are printed in bold letters and square brackets]
[sind fett und in eckigen Klammern gedruckt]
Mitautoren sind ROT, FETT UND IN VERSALIEN gedruckt
Interviewers are printed in red and normal letters
Interviewer sind rot und normal gedruckt
German translations or German originals are printed in blue
Deutschsprachige Übersetzungen oder Originalausgaben sind blau gedruckt
Publications marked with are in the Vienna archive of Peter F. Schmid
gekennzeichnete Publikationen befinden sich im Archiv in Wien
Publications marked with are not yet in the Vienna archive
Mit gekennzeichnete Publikationen befinden sich noch nicht im Archiv
Titles indicated with are (partially) on the CD-ROM by ...
gekennzeichnete Titel sind teilweise auf der CD-ROM von ...
... Natalie Rogers: Carl Rogers - A daughter's tribute, 2002
** Titles indicated with ** are new or substantially revised in the 9th edition
Mit ** gekennzeichnete Titel sind in der 9. Auflage neu oder wesentlich verändert



book.gif (1904 Byte)
The China diary
Ross-on-Wye (PCCS Books) 2012 (xv+176+[214] pp.)
[Foreword by Natalie Rogers; Preface by Jeffrey H.D. Cornelius-White]
[written 1922]

v. 2022: Diary of my trip to China; v. CD-ROM 2002
1922b An experiment in Christian internationalism
in: The Intercollegian (YMCA), 39,9 (1922) 1f
[about the Federation Conference in Beijing]


1930  & CARSON, C. W.
Intelligence as a factor in camping activities

in: Camping Magazine 3,3 (1930) 8–11


book.gif (1904 Byte)

Measuring personality adjustment in children nine to thirteen years of age
(Contributions to education, No 45), New York (Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University) 1931 (107 pp.)
[Carl Rogers' thesis]
[also in article form, available at the Carl Rogers Memorial Library]
1931b A test of personality adjustment
New York (Association Press) 1931

v. 1961i
Personality adjustment inventory
New York (Association Press) 1931
[slightly revised version]
We pay for the Smiths
in: Survey Graphic 19 (1931) 508–511


1933   A good foster home. Its achievements and limitations
in: Mental Hygiene 17 (1933) 21–40
also in: Lowry, F. (ed.), Readings in social case work, Columbia (Columbia University Press) 1933, 417–436


1936 Social workers and legislation
in: Quarterly Bulletin, Syracuse (New York State Conference on Social Work), 7,3 (1936) 5–9


1937a The clinical psychologist's approach to personality problems
in: The Family 18 (1937) 233–243
1937b Three surveys of treatment measures used with children
in: American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 7,1 (1937) 48–57
[presented at meeting, 1967]


1938  A diagnostic study of Rochester youth
in: New York State Conference on Social Work, Syracuse 1938, 48–54


book.gif (1904 Byte)

The clinical treatment of the problem child
Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1939 (xiii+393 pp.)
[written 1936/37]
Carl Rogers als Kinderpsychotherapeut
in: PERSON 2 (2001) 57-65
[Teile von Kap. 11]
1939b Authority and case work — are they compatible?
in: Quarterly Bulletin, New York State Conference on Social Work, Albany 1939, 16–24
1939c Needed emphasis in the training of clinical psychologists
in: Journal of Consulting Psychology 3 (1939) 141–143
[read at the annual meeting of the New York State Association of Applied Psychologists, Cornell University, April 29, 1939]


1940a The process of therapy
in: Journal of Consulting Psychology 4,5 (1940) 161–164
also in: Brennpunkt 46 (1991) 38–40
also in: Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 60, April (1992) 163f
also The processes of therapy in: 2013, 8-14
Der Prozeß der Therapie**
in: Psychotherapie Forum 5,3 (1997) 185–187
1940b Some newer concepts of psychotherapy
(manuscript) 1940 (20 pp.)
[lecture given at the University of Minnesota, December 11, 1940]
revised version: Old and new viewpoints in counseling and psychotherapy
chapter 2 in: Rogers 1942a
v. 1989f
Einige neuere Konzepte der Psychotherapie
in: Stipsits, Reinhold / Hutterer, Robert (Hg.), Perspektiven Rogerianischer Psychotherapie, Wien (WUV Universitätsverlag) 1992, 15–38


1941 Psychology in clinical practice
in: Gray, J. Stanley (ed.), Psychology in use. A textbook in applied psychology, New York (American Book Company) 1941, 114–167
Psychology in clinical practice
in: Gray, J. Stanley (ed.), Psychology in use. A textbook in applied psychology, New York (American Book Company) 21951, 320–386
rewritten, revised and amplified by M. I. Stein
Predicting the outcomes of treatment

in: American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 11,2 (1941) 210–221
[presented before the American Association for Applied Psychology in Washington, 1939]
The clinical significance of problem syndromes
in: American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 11,2 (1941) 222–229



Counseling and psychotherapy. Newer concepts in practice
Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1942 (450 pp.)
v. 1940b; 1959i; 1989f; 1989g; 1989h
Die nicht–direktive Beratung. Counseling and Psychotherapy
München (Kindler) 1972; 91999 (360 S.)
Taschenbuchausgabe Frankfurt/M. (Fischer, Reihe »Geist und Psyche« Nr. 42176) 1985
1942b Mental health problems in three elementary schools**
in: Educational Research Bulletin 21 (1942) 69–79, 86ff
taken from 1942d
1942c The psychologist's contributions to parent, child, and community problems
in: Journal of Consulting Psychology 6,1 (1942) 8–18
[paper read at Wichita, Kansas, November 16, 1940 at a celebration of the tenth anniversary of the founding of the Wichita Child Guidance Center]
1942d A study of the mental health problems in three representative elementary schools
in: Holy, T. C. / Walker, G. L., A study of health and physical education in Columbus Public Schools, Ohio State University Bureau of Education Research Monograph 25 (1942) 130–161
v. 1942b
1942e The use of electronically recorded interviews in improving psychotherapeutic techniques
in: American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 12,3 (1942) 429–434
[presented at meeting, 1942]
also in: Kirschenbaum, Howard / Land Henderson, Valerie (eds.), The Carl Rogers Reader, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1989, 211–219
1942f The criteria used in a study of mental–health problems**
in: Educational Research Bulletin 21,2 (1942) 29–40


1943  Therapy in guidance clinics
in: Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology 38 (1943) 284–289
also in: Watson, R. (ed.), Readings in clinical psychology, New York (Harper and Row) 1943, 519–527


Adjustment after combat
Fort Myers (Army Air Forces Instructors School [Flexible Gunnery]) 1944 (90 pp.)
[restricted publication | eingeschränkt veröffentlicht]
1944b The development of insight in a counseling relationship
in: Journal of Consulting Psychology 8,6 (1944) 331–341
[paper given at the National Conference on Social Work, Cleveland, May 24, 1944, at the program planned by the American Association for Applied Social Psychology]
also in: Brayfield, A. H. (ed.), Readings on modern methods of counseling, New York (Appleton–Century–Crofts) 1950, 119–132
also in: 2013, 15-38
1944c Psychological adjustments of discharged service personnel
in: Psychological Bulletin 41,10 (1944) 689–696
1944d Wartime issues in family counseling
in: Journal of Home Economics 36,7 (1944) 390–393


1945a A counseling viewpoint for the USO worker**
in: USO [United Services Organizations] Program Services Bulletin, 1945
= A Counseling Viewpoint
distributed by the Federal Council of Churches
1945b Dealing with individuals in USO
in: USO Program Services Bulletin, 1945
1945c Counseling
in: Review of Educational Research 15 (1945) 155–163
1945d The nondirective method as a technique for social research
in: American Journal of Sociology 50 (1945) 279–283
Counseling with the returned serviceman and his wife**
in: Marriage and Family Living 7,4 (1945) 82–84
adapted from a chapter of Rogers/Wallen 1946
v. Rogers/Dicks/Russel 1945
A teacher–therapist deals with a handicapped child

in: Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology 40,2 (1945) 119–142
Current trends in counseling. A symposium
in: Marriage and Family Living 7,4 (1945) 82-86
v. 1945e


1946a Psychometric tests and client–centered counseling
in: Educational Psychological Measurement 6 (1946) 139–144
1946b Recent research in nondirective therapy and its implications
in: American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 16 (1946) 581–588
1946c Significant aspects of client–centered therapy
in: American Psychologist 1,10 (1946) 415–422
[paper given at a seminar of the staffs of the Menninger Clinic and the Topeka Veteran's Hospital, Topeka, Kansas, May, 1946]
also in: Ruitenbeek, H. M. (ed.), Varietes of personality theory, New York (Dutton) 1964, 168–183
also in: 2013, 39-59
1946 & MUENCH, A. G.
Counseling of emotional blocking in an aviator
in: Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology 41 (1946) 207–216

Counseling with returned servicemen
New York (McGraw–Hill) 1946 (viii+159pp.)
[written 1945]
v. 1945e


1947a The case of Mary Jane Tilden
in: Synder, William U. (ed.), Casebook of non–directive counseling, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1947, 128–203
1947b Psychotherapy
in: Dennis, Wayne et al., Current trends in psychology, Pittsburgh (University of Pittsburgh Press) 1947, 109–137
1947c Some observations on the organisation of personality
in: American Psychologist 2 (1947) 358–368
[address delivered at the September 1947 Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association]
also in: Kuenzli, A. (ed.), The phenomenological problem, New York (Harper and Row) 1959, 49–75
also: The organisation of personality
in: Hamachek, D. E. (ed.), Human dynamics in psychology and education. Selected readings, Boston (Allyn and Bacon) 1968, 598–616
1947d The case of Mrs. Ett
Chicago (University of Chicago Counseling Center, manuscript) 1947 (192pp.)
[a case study | Fallstudie; can be read at the »Carl Rogers Memorial Library« | Einsicht möglich in der »Carl Rogers Memorial Library«]
[in the Vienna archive are the following parts: Cover sheet, Letter by Carl Rogers from December 5, 1986, Comments on the reading of the case]
1947e Effective principles for dealing with individuals and group tensions and dissatisfactions
in: Executive Seminar Series in Industrial Relations, Session 10, Chicago (University of Chicago Press) 1947


1948a Dealing with social tensions. A presentation of client–centered counseling as a means of handling interpersonal conflicts
New York (Hinds, Hayden and Eldredge) 1948 (30 pp.)
also: Dealing with interpersonal conflict
Pastoral Psychology 3,28 (1952) 14–20; 3,29 (1952) 37–44
1948b Divergent trends in methods of improving adjustment
in: Harvard Educational Review 18,4 (1948) 209–219
[paper read at a conference on Ways to Mental Health, Harvard University, July 22, 1948]
also in: Pastoral Psychology 1,8 (1950), 11–18
1948c Research in psychotherapy. Round table, 1947
in: American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 18,1 (1948) 96–100
[Discussion by Brenman, Margaret; Kubie, Lawrence S.; Rogers, Carl R.; Gill, Merton M.; Anderson, Harold F.; Olson, Willard; Bergman, Paul; Jenkins, Richard; Uhler, Claude; Mulholm, H. B.; Woodward, Luther; Newell, H. W.; Frankel, Esther B.; Baldwin, Alfred; Lacey, John L.]
1948d Some implications of client–centered counseling for college personnel work
in: Educational and Psychological Measurement 8,3, part 2 (1948) 540–549
also in: College and University 1948
also in: Registrar's Journal 1948
1948e The implications of recent research in therapy for personality theory
Boston (manuscript) 1948
[paper read at APA Symposium, Boston, 1948]
The role of self–understanding in the prediction of behavior

in: Journal of Consulting Psychology 12,3 (1948) 174–186


1949a The attitude and orientation of the counselor in client–centered therapy
in: Journal of Consulting Psychology 13 (1949) 82–94
[paper given to the Minnesota Chapter of Psi Chi, November 1948]   
1949b A coordinated research in psychotherapy. A non–objective introduction
in: Journal of Consulting Psychology 13 (1949) 149–153


1950a A current formulation of client–centered therapy
in: The Social Science Review 24,4 (1950) 442–450
[paper given at a meeting of the Chicago Chapter, American Association of Social Workers, Chicago, April 17, 1950]
also: Trends in the formulation of client–centered therapy
Univ. of Illinois (manuscript) 1949
[paper given at the National Symposium on New Trends in Counseling and Psychotherapy at the University of Illinois, February 25, 1949]
v. 1951b
1950b The significance of the self–regarding attitudes and perceptions**
in: Reymert, M. L. (ed.), Feelings and emotions, New York (McGraw–Hill) 1950, 374–382
also in: Gorlow, L. / Katkovsky, W. (eds.), Readings in the psychology of adjustement, New York (McGraw–Hill) 1959, 500–522
= (manuscript) 1948
[paper given at the Second International Symposium on Feelings and Emotions, October 29, 1948]
1950c What is to be our basic professional relationship?
in: Annals of Allergy 8 (1950) 234–239, 286
[presented at the Fifth Annual Meeting of The American College of Allergists, April 14–17, 1949, Chicago]
also in: Krout, M. H. (ed.), Psychology, psychiatry, and the public interest, Minnesota (University of Minnesota Press) 1956, 135–145
1950 & BECKER, R.
A basic orientation for counseling

in: Pastoral Psychology 1,1 (1950) 26–34
1950 & MARQUIS, D. G. / HILGARD, E. R.
ABEPP Policies and procedures
in: American Psychologist 5 (1950) 407f



Client–centered therapy. Its current practice, implications, and theory
Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1951 (560 pp.)
Die klient–bezogene Gesprächstherapie. Client–Centered Therapy
München (Kindler) 1973
; 131999 (473 S.)
auch: Die klientenzentrierte Gesprächspsychotherapie. Client–Centered Therapy
Taschenbuchausgabe Frankfurt/M. (Fischer, Reihe »Geist und Psyche« Nr. 42175) 1983 [Titeländerung]
v. 1951e
1951b Client–centered therapy. A helping process
in: The University of Chicago Round Table 698 (1951) 12–21
[lecture delivered at University College, University of Chicago, May 1, 1951]
parts are from 1950a
1951c Perceptual reorganization in client–centered therapy**
in: Blake, R. R. / Ramsey, G. V. (eds.), Perception. An approach to personality, New York (Ronald Press) 1951, 307–327
1951d Studies in client–centered psychotherapy III: The case of Mrs. Oak. A research analysis
in: Psychological Service Center Journal 3,1-2 (1951) 47–165

v. 1953c, 1989b
also: The case of Mrs. Oak. A research analysis
in: Rogers / Dymond 1954a, 259–348
also: The case of Mrs. Oak**
in: Wedding, Danny / Corsini, Raymond (ed.), Case studies in psychotherapy, Itasca, IL (Peacock) 1989, 63–85
1951e Through the eyes of a client
in: Pastoral Psychology 2,16 (1951) 32–40; 2,17 (1951) 45–50; 2,18 (1951) 26–32
= parts of | Teile aus 1951a, chapter 3 (pp. 65f, 88–129)
1951f Where are we going in clinical psychology
in: Journal of Consulting Psychology 15 (1951) 171–177

[paper given to the Division of Clinical and Abnormal Psychology, Sept. 4, 1950, as the address of the retiring president of the division]
A new approach to solving personal problems. An NBC radio discussion

in: The University of Chicago Round Table 698 (1951) 1–11
Studies in client–centered psychotherapy I. Developing a program of research in psychotherapy
in: Psychological Service Center Journal 3,1-2 (1951) 3–28
= Developing a program of research in psychotherapy
in: Rogers / Dymond 1954a, 12–34


1952a "Client–centered" psychotherapy
in: Scientific American 187,5 (1952) 3–7
1952b Communication: its blocking and its facilitation
in: Northwestern University Information 20,25 (1952) 9–15
[contribution to panel discussion at the Centennial Conference on Communications, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, October 1951]
= part I of Rogers/Roethlisberger 1952
also in: ETC: A Review of General Semantics, 9 (1952) 83–88
also in: Harvard Business Review 30 (1952) 46–50
also in: Bursk, E. C. (ed.), Human relations for management, New York (Harper and Bros.) 1956, 150–158
= Dealing with breakdowns in communication — interpersonal and intergroup
chapter 17 in: Rogers 1961a
Behandlung von Kommunikationsstörungen zwischen einzelnen und Gruppen
in: Rogers 1961a, dt. 1973, 321–328
auch = Kommunikation. Störungen und ihre Milderung
in: Hayakawa, S. I. (Hg.), Wort und Wirklichkeit. Beiträge zur allgemeinen Semantik (Hg. u. aus d. Amerikan. übersetzt v. Günther Schwarz), Darmstadt
21968, 76–88
1952c A personal formulation of client–centered therapy
in: Marriage and Family Living 14,4 (1952) 341–361
[stenotyped record of a paper given before the American Association of Marriage Counselors at their annual meeting, May 23, 1952, at New York City together with the discussion which followed]
also in: Vincent, C. E. (ed.), Readings in marriage counseling, New York (T. Y. Crowell) 1957, 392–432
Barriers and gateways to communication

in: Harvard Business Review 30,4 (1952) 28-34
[contributions to a panel discussion at the Centennial Conference on Communications, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, October 1951]
v. Rogers 1952b
also in: Fleishman, E. A. (ed.), Studies in personal and industrial psychology, Homewood 1961, 408–413
also in: Harvard Business Review 1988, 19–25


1953a The interest in the practice of psychotherapy
in: American Psychologist 8 (1953) 48–50
1953b A research program in client–centered therapy
in: Psychiatric treatment, Proceedings of the Association for Research in Nervous and Mental Disease, Baltimore (Williams and Wilkins), 21 (1953) 106–113
v. 1972g
1953c Some directions and end points in therapy
in: Mowrer, O. H. (ed.), Psychotherapy. Theory and research, New York (Ronald Press) 1953, 44–68

[includes the case of | enthält die Falldarstellung: Mrs. Oak]
v. 1951d, 1989b
= Some of the directions evident in therapy
chapter 5 in: Rogers 1961a
Wege der Therapie
in: Rogers 1961a, dt. 1973, 84–113
1953d A concept of the fully functioning person
University of Chicago Counseling Center (manuscript) 1953
1953e Letter to William H. Schenk
(manuscript) 1953 (5pp.)
[about Catholicism and client–centered therapy]
published in: Staes, Paul E., Positive self–regarding attitudes and authentic selfhood, Makati, Rizal, Philippines, 1971, 192–194
1953f The implications of client–centered therapy for family life Chicago
(manuscript) 1953
= chapter 16 in: Rogers 1961a
Implikationen der klientenzentrierten Therapie für das Familienleben
in: Rogers 1961a, dt. 1973, 307–320
1953 & BROOKS, G. W. / DRIVER, R. S. / MERRIHUE, W. V. / PIGORS, P. / RINELLA, A. J.
Removing the obstacles to good employee communications
in: Management Record 15,1 (1953) 9–11, 32–40


1954a Becoming a person. Two lectures delivered on the Nellie Heldt Lecture Fund
Oberlin, Ohio (Oberlin College Nellie Heldt Lecture Series, Oberlin Printing Co.) 1954 (16 pp.)
also: Austin, TX (Hogg Foundation for Mental Hygiene, University of Texas) 1956 (23 pp.)
also in: Doniger, S. (ed.), Healing, human and divine, New York (Association Press) 1957, 57–67
part I = Some hypotheses regarding the facilitation of personal growth
chapter 2 in: Rogers 1961a
[part II =1956f (What it means to become a person)]
Förderung der Persönlichkeitsentfaltung — Einige Hypothesen
in: Rogers 1961a, dt. 1973, 45–52
1954b The case of Mr. Bebb. The analysis of a failure case
in: Rogers / Dymond 1954a, 349–409
also in: Morgan, Robert F. (ed.), The iatrogenics handbook. A critical look at research and practice in the helping professions, Fair Oaks, CA (Morgan Foundation Publishers) 1983, 153–191**
1954c Changes in the maturity of behavior as related to therapy
in: Rogers / Dymond 1954a, 215–237
1954d An overview of the research and some questions for the future
in: Rogers / Dymond 1954a, 413–434
1954e Towards a theory of creativity
in: ETC: A Review of General Semantics 11 (1954) 249–260
also in: Anderson, H. (ed.), Creativity and its cultivation, New York (Harper and Bros.) 1959, 69–82

= chapter 19 in: Rogers 1961a
also: The development of creative persons
University of Chicago (manuscript) 1954
Zu einer Theorie der Kreativität
in: Rogers 1961a, dt. 1973, 337–349
auch: Auf dem Wege zu einer Theorie der Kreativität
in: Petzold, Hilarion / Orth, Ilse (Hg.), Die neuen Kreativitätstherapien. Handbuch der Kunsttherapie, Bd. I, Paderborn (Junfermann) 1994, 237–255
1954f Introduction
in: Rogers / Dymond 1954a, 3–11

Psychotherapy and personality change. Co–ordinated research studies in the client–centered approach
Chicago (University of Chicago Press) 1954 (447 pp.)
[contributions by Rogers | Beiträge von Rogers: Rogers / Dymond 1954b, Rogers 1954f, Rogers / Gordon / Grummon / Seeman 1951, Rogers 1954c, 1951d, 1954b, 1954d]
in: Rogers, Carl R. / Dymond, Rosalind F. 1954a, v–viii


1955a Persons or science? A philosophical question
in: American Psychologist 10,7 (1955) 267–278
[paper for the Fifth International Congress on Mental Health, Toronto, Ontario, August 18, 1954]
largely based on material from Rogers / Dymond 1954a
also in: Pastoral Psychology 10,92 (1959); 10,93 (1959)
also in: Severin, F. T. (ed.), Viewpoints of Humanistic Psychology, New York 1965
= chapter 10 in: Rogers 1961a
Menschen oder die Wissenschaft? Eine philosophische Frage
in: Rogers 1961a, dt. 1973, 197–222
1955b This is me. The development of my professional thinking and my personal philosophy
(manuscript) 1955

= chapter 1 in: Rogers 1961a
also: This is me
in: Painter / Vance, Brenda / Nichols / Horne / Birbilis (eds.), Human relations, (Ginn Press) 31986, 126–131
also in: Kirschenbaum, Howard / Land Henderson, Valerie (eds.), The Carl Rogers Reader, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1989, 6–29
»Das bin ich«. Entwicklung meiner fachlichen Ansichten und meiner persönlichen Philosophie
in: Rogers 1961a, dt. 1973, 19–43
1955c A personal view of some issues facing psychologists
in: American Psychologist 10,6 (1955) 247–249
[adapted from a paper read at the APA meeting of University of Chicago psychologists, September, 1954]
1955d Personality change in psychotherapy
in: The International Journal of Social Psychiatry 1,1 (1955) 31–41
= chapter 11 in: Rogers 1961a
Persönlichkeitsveränderung in der Psychotherapie
in: Rogers 1961a, dt. 1973, 223–239
1955e Comment**
[on: Anderson, Robert P. / Bown, Oliver H., Tape recordings and counselor–trainee understandings]
in: Journal of Counseling Psychology 2,3 (1955) 195
1955f Facilitation of personal growth
in: School Counselor 2,1 (1955) (4 pp.)
1955g Miss Mun. An Interview
(manuscript) 1955 (18 pp.)
[transcription: v. F-1955b, V-n.d. g, tape]
partly also in: Bozarth, Jerold D., Beyond reflection: Emergent modes of empathy, in: Levant, Ronald F. / Shlien, John M. (eds.), Client–centered therapy and the person–centered approach. New directions in theory, research and practice, New (York) Praeger 1984, 59–75, here 61–62
v. tapes
1955h Some personal formulations
(manuscript) 1955 (3 pp.)


1956a Client–centered therapy. A current view
in: Fromm–Reichmann, Frieda / Moreno, Jacob Levi (eds.), Progress in psychotherapy, New York (Grune and Stratton) 1956, 199–209
1956b A Counseling approach to human problems
in: The American Journal of Nursing 56 (1956) 994–997
[adapted from a paper presented to the Public Health Nurses Section at the 1956 biennial convention of the American Nurses' Association in Chicago]
1956c Implications of advances in the prediction and control of behavior
in: Teachers College Record 57 (1956) 316–322
also in: Hartley, E. L. / Hartley, R. E. (eds.), Outside readings in psychology, New York (T. Y. Crowell) 1957, 3–10
also in: Daniel, R. S. (ed.), Contemporary readings in general psychology, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1960
also in: Hamachek, D. E. (ed.), Human dynamics in psychology and education. Selected readings, Boston (Allyn and Bacon) 1968, 540–548
1956d Intellectualized psychotherapy. Review of George Kelly's "The psychology of personal constructs"
in: Contemporary Psychology 1,12 (1956) 357f
1956e Review of Reinhold Niebuhr's "The self and the dramas of history"**
in: Chicago Theological Seminary Register XLVI,1 (1956) 13–14
v. 1958e
also in: Pastoral Psychology 9,85 (1958) 15–17
also in: Kirschenbaum, Howard / Land Henderson, Valerie (eds.), Carl Rogers: Dialogues, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1989, 205–211
1956f What it means to become a person
in: Moustakas, C. E. (ed.), The Self, New York (Harper and Bros.) 1956, 195–211
= part I of 1954a [lecture at Oberlin College, Ohio, 1954]
v. 1984b
also: Becoming a person. What it means to become a person**
Pastoral Psychology 7,61 (1956) 9–13 and 7,63 (1956) 16–26
= chapter 6 in: Rogers 1961a
Was es heisst, sich selbst zu finden
in: Rogers 1961a, dt. 1973, 114–129
1956g Tentative research proposal  re: "Openness to experience"**
(manuscript) 1956 (15 pp.)
1956h Client–centered theory
in: Journal of Counseling Psychology 3,2 (1956) 115–120
= part of: Behavior theories and a counseling case. A symposium; contributions by: Shoben, Edward J. / Mowrer, O. Hobart / Kimble, G. A. / Rogers, Carl R. / Miller, James G., in: Journal of Counseling Psychology 3 (1956) 107–124
Some issues concerning the control of human behavior. A symposium

in: Science 124,3231 (1956) 1057–1066
[symposium "Some issues concerning the control of human behavior" held at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association (APA), September 4, 1956, Chicago]
v. Rogers/Skinner 1989; tapes
also in: Gorlow, L. / Katkovsky, W. (eds.), Readings in the psychology of adjustment, New York (McGraw–Hill) 1959, 500–522
also in: Ulrich, Roger / Stachnik, Thomas / Mabry, John (eds.), Control of human behavior, Glenview, IL (Scott, Foresman & Co) 1966, 301-316**
also in: Evans, Richard I., Carl Rogers — the man and his ideas, New York (Dutton) 1975, xliv–lxxxviii
also in: TACD–Journal 18,1 (1990) 79–102
Strittige Fragen zur Kontrolle menschlichen Verhaltens
in: Rost, P. H. / Grunow, P. / Oechsle, D. (Hg.), Pädagogische Verhaltensmodifikation. Probleme, Übersichten und Beispiele zur Theorie und Praxis der Verhaltensmodifikation in Vorschule, Schule, Hochschule, im Elternhaus und bei jugendlicher Delinquenz, Weinheim (Beltz) 1977, 23–52


1957a The necessary and sufficient conditions of therapeutic personality change
in: Journal of Consulting Psychology 21,2 (1957) 95–103
also as: Elmcrest Classic of the Month 3,11 (1978) (reprint, 16 pp.)

also in: Kirschenbaum, Howard / Land Henderson, Valerie (eds.), The Carl Rogers Reader, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1989, 219–235
also in: Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 60, Dec. (1992) 827–832
Die notwendigen und hinreichenden Bedingungen für Persönlichkeitsentwicklung durch Psychotherapie
in: Rogers / Schmid 1991 [31998],165–184
auch: Die notwendigen und hinreichenden Bedingungen therapeutischer Persönlichkeitsveränderung**
in: Psychotherapie Forum 5,3 (1997) 177–185
[andere Übersetzung]
1957b A note on the "nature of man"
in: Journal of Counseling Psychology 4,3 (1957) 199–203
also in: Pastoral Psychology 11,104 (1960) 23–26
also in: Doniger, S. (ed.), The nature of man, New York (Harper and Bros.) 1962, 91–96
also in: Kirschenbaum, Howard / Land Henderson, Valerie (eds.), The Carl Rogers Reader, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1989, 401–408
1957c Personal thoughts on teaching and learning
in: Merrill–Palmer Quarterly 3 (1957) 241–243
also in: Improving College and University Teaching 6 (1958) 4–5
= chapter 13 in: Rogers 1961a
= chapter 6 in: Rogers 1969a
also in: Hamachek, D. E. (ed.), Human dynamics in psychology and education. Selected readings, Boston (Allyn and Bacon) 1968, 216–218
also in: Kirschenbaum, Howard / Land Henderson, Valerie (eds.), The Carl Rogers Reader, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1989, 301–304
Persönliche Gedanken über Lehren und Lernen
in: Rogers 1961a, dt. 1973, 268–272
auch = Kapitel 6 in: Rogers 1969a, dt. 1974, 152–155
auch in: Zerfaß, Rolf / Greinacher, Norbert (Hg.), Einführung in die Praktische Theologie, München/Mainz (Kaiser/Grünewald) 1976, 217–219
auch = Lehren und Lernen
in: Schwarz, Gerhard (ed.), Gruppendynamik für die Schule. Beiträge zu einer Sozialpsychologie der Institution Schule, Wien (Jugend und Volk) 1974, 25–29
1957d A therapist's view of the good life
in: The Humanist 17,5 (1957) 291–300
also in: Kirschenbaum, Howard / Land Henderson, Valerie (eds.), The Carl Rogers Reader, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1989, 409–420
also (expanded): A therapist's view of the good life: The fully functioning person
chapter 9 in: Rogers 1961a
also: The good life. What is it? How is it being achieved?
(manuscript) 1957 (6 pp.)
Ansichten eines Therapeuten vom guten Leben. Der sich voll entfaltende Mensch
in: Rogers 1961a, dt. 1973, 183–195
1957e Training individuals to engage in the therapeutic process
in: Strother, C. E. (ed.), Psychology and mental health, American Psychological Association (Washington, D. C.) 1957, 76–92
1957f A tentative formulation of a general law of interpersonal relationships
(manuscript) 1957 (7 pp.)
1957g A possible process in forming an industry**
Chicago (manuscript) 1957 (8 pp.)
Active listening
Chicago (University of Chicago Industrial Relations Center) 1957 (25 pp.)
also in: Newman, R. G. / Danziger, M. A. / Cohen, M. (eds.), Communication in business today, Washington C.C. (Heath and Company) 1987
also: Mansfield Centre (Martino Publishing) 2015 [reprint]


The characteristics of a helping relationship
in: Personnel and Guidance Journal 37,1 (1958) 6–16
[address delivered during the APGA Convention, St. Louis, Missouri, March 31–April 3, 1958]
= chapter 3 in: Rogers 1961a
also in: Bennis, Warren G. / Benne, Kenneth D. / Chin, Robert (eds.), The planning of change, New York 1964, 207–221
also in: Kirschenbaum, Howard / Land Henderson, Valerie (eds.), The Carl Rogers Reader, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1989, 108–126
Die Eigenschaften einer hilfreichen Beziehung
in: Rogers 1961a, dt. 1973, 53–72
auch in: Bennis, Warren G. / Benne, Kenneth D. / Chin, Robert (Hg.), Änderung des Sozialverhaltens, Stuttgart (Klett) 1975, 149–167
1958b A process conception of psychotherapy
in: American Psychologist 13 (1958) 142–149
also in expanded form: chapter 7 in: Rogers 1961a
Psychotherapie als Prozess
in: Rogers 1961a, dt. 1973, 130–162
unpublished amplification: (manuscript) 1958
1958c Listening and understanding
in: The Friend 116,4 (1958) 1248–1251
1958d The consultant clinic
in: Pastoral Psychology 8 (1958)
1958e Concluding comment
[to: Reinhold Niebuhr and Carl R. Rogers. A discussion (of Reinhold Niebuhr's "The self and the dramas of history") by Bernard M. Loomer, Walter M. Horton, and Hans Hofmann]
in: Pastoral Psychology 9,5 (1958) 15–17
cf. 1956e, 1962e
also in: Kirschenbaum, Howard / Land Henderson, Valerie (eds.), Carl Rogers: Dialogues, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1989, 223–228
A scale of process in psychotherapy
University of Wisconsin (unpublished manual) 1958; recopied 1966


1959a A theory of therapy, personality, and interpersonal relationships, as developed in the client–centered framework
in: Koch, Sigmund (ed.), Psychology. A study of a science. Vol. III: Formulations of the person and the social context, New York (McGraw Hill) 1959, 184–256
abbreviated also in: Kirschenbaum, Howard / Land Henderson, Valerie (eds.), The Carl Rogers Reader, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1989, 236–257
= A theory of therapy, personality, and interpersonal relationships
University of Chicago, Counseling Center (manuscript, mimeographed document) 1956
Eine Theorie der Psychotherapie, der Persönlichkeit und der zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungen, entwickelt im Rahmen des klientenzentrierten Ansatzes
Köln (GwG) 1987, 31991 (82 S.)
1959b A tentative scale for the measurement of process in psychotherapy
in: Rubinstein, E. / Parloff, M. B. (eds.), Research in psychotherapy. Proceedings of a conference, Washington D. C., April 9–12, 1958,
Washington, D. C. (American Psychological Association) 1959, 96–107
= (manuscript) 1958
[paper given at the APA conference]
1959c Client–centered therapy
in: Arieti, Silvano (ed.) American Handbook of Psychiatry, Vol. 3, New York (Basic Books) 1959, 183–200
also in: Arieti, Silvano (ed.) Supplement to American Handbook of Psychiatry, Vol. 3, New York (Basic Books) 1966, 183–200
also in: Kirschenbaum, Howard / Land Henderson, Valerie (eds.), Carl Rogers: Dialogues, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1989, 9–38
1959d Comments on cases
in: Standal, S. / Corsini, R. (eds.), Critical incidents in psychotherapy, New York (Prentice Hall) 1959
1959e The essence of psychotherapy. A client–centered view
in: Annals of Psychotherapy 1,1 (1959) 51–57
[paper given at the first meeting of the American Academy of Psychotherapists, Oct. 20, 1956]
= The essence of psychotherapy. Moments of movement **
New York (manuscript) 1956 (10 pp.
1959f Lessons I have learned in counseling with individuals
in: Dugan, W. E. (ed.) Modern school practices, Series 3, Counseling points of view, (University of Minnesota Press) 1959, 14–26
1959g Significant learning. In therapy and in education
in: Educational Leadership 16 (1959) 232–242
= chapter 14 in: Rogers 1961a
Signifikantes Lernen: In Therapie und Erziehung
in: Rogers 1961a, dt. 1973, 273–289
1959h The way to do is to be. Review of Rollo May, Ernest Angel, and Henri F. Ellenberger (eds.), "Existence. A new dimension in psychiatry and psychology" [*]
in: Contemporary Psychology 4 (1959) 196–198
[* May, Rollo / Angel, Ernest / Ellenberger, Henri F. (eds.), Existence. A new dimension in psychiatry and psychology, New York (Basic) 1958]
also in: Kirschenbaum, Howard / Land Henderson, Valerie (eds.), Carl Rogers: Dialogues, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1989, 229–236
1959i Chapter
in: Greenwald, H. (ed.), Great cases in psychoanalysis, New York (Ballantine) 1959
= excerpt of | Auszug aus 1942a
1959j Carl Rogers with Elaine, March 16, 1959**
(manuscript) 1959 [C. R. Rogers Memorial Library]
Psychotherapie en menselijke verhoudingen. Theorie and praktijk van de non–directieve therapie
Utrecht/Antwerpen (Het Spectrum/Standaard) 1959 (302 pp.)
v. Rogers / Kinget 1962
N o t e :
chapter 10: Client–centered therapy in its context of research

= chapter 12 in: Rogers 1961a
Klientenzentrierte Therapie im Kontext der Forschung
in: Rogers 1961a, dt. 1973, 240–266
Time–limited, client–centered psychotherapy: Two cases
in: Burton, Arthur (ed.), Case studies in counseling and psychotherapy, New York (Prentice Hall) 1959, 309–352
[by Carl Rogers: Introductory comments, 309–312]
Klientenzentrierte Kurztherapie: Zwei Fallberichte
in: Rogers 1977b, 53–112


1960a Significant trends in the client–centered orientation
in: Brower, Daniel / Abt, Leonard E. (eds.), Progress in clinical psychology, vol. IV, New York (Grune and Stratton) 1960, 85–99
1960b A therapist's view of personal goals
Wallingford (Pendle Hill Pamphlet 108), PA, 1960 (32pp.)
[address given at Haverford College, Pennsylvania, December 1959]
= To be that self which one truly is
chapter 8 in: Rogers 1961a
v. V-n.d. a
also: To be that self which one truly is. A therapist's view of personal goals
in: Hamachek, D. E. (ed.), Human dynamics in psychology and education. Selected readings, Boston (Allyn and Bacon) 1968, 650–664
excerpted also | auszugsweise auch: Social implications
in: Kirschenbaum, Howard / Land Henderson, Valerie (eds.), The Carl Rogers Reader, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1989, 436–438
"Das Selbst zu sein, das man in Wahrheit ist". Ansichten eines Therapeuten über persönliche Ziele
in: Rogers 1961a, dt. 1973, 164–182
Dialogue between Martin Buber and Carl Rogers
in: Psychologia. An International Journal of Psychology in the Orient (Kyoto University) 3,4 (1960) 208–221
[the dialogue was held at Ann Arbor, organized by the University of Michigan on April 18, 1957]
also (slightly condensed) in: Buber, Martin, The knowledge of man, London 1965, 166–184
also in: Kirschenbaum, Howard / Land Henderson, Valerie (eds.), Carl Rogers: Dialogues, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1989, 41–63
also: Anderson, Rob & Cissna, Kenneth N., The Martin Buber - Carl Rogers Dialogue. A new transcript with commentary
(Suny Series in Speech Communication)
Albany, NY (State University of New York Press) 1997
(138 pp.)
[new, corrected transcript from the audiotape by Kenneth N. Cissna and Rob Anderson: Dialogue between Martin Buber and Carl Rogers, Ann Arbor, Michigan, April 18, 1957, manuscript 1994]
also: Anderson, Rob & Cissna, Kenneth N., Carl Rogers in dialogue with Martin Buber. A new analysis**
in: Person-Centered Journal 4,2 (1997) 4-13
correction in: Person-Centered Journal 5,1 (1997) 63-65
Carl Rogers im Gespräch mit Martin Buber
in: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Personenzentrierte Gesprächsführung (Hg.), Persönlichkeitsentwicklung durch Begegnung. Das personenzentrierte Konzept in Psychotherapie, Erziehung und Wissenschaft, Wien (Deuticke) 1984, 52–72
auch in: Schulfach Religion 1/2 (1983) 33–59
auch in: Buber, Martin, Werke in drei Bänden, München 1962
[andere Übersetzung]
auch (gekürzt) in: Behr, Michael / Esser, Ulrich / Petermann, Franz / Pfeiffer, Wolfgang M. / Tausch, Reinhard (Hg.), Jahrbuch 1992 für personzentrierte Psychologie und Psychotherapie, Band III, Köln (GwG) 1992, 184–201
[andere Übersetzung]
auch in: Buber Agassi, Judith (Hg.), Martin Buber Werkausgabe, Bd. 10: Schriften zur Psychologie und Psychotherapie, Gütersloh (Gütersloher Verlagshaus) 2008**
[andere Übersetzung]
Development of a scale to measure process changes in psychotherapy
in: Journal of Clinical Psychology 16,1 (1960) 79–85
= Development and application of a scale to measure process changes in psychotherapy
(manuscript) 1958
[unpublished paper presented at the APA convention, Washington D. C., September 1958]



On becoming a person. A therapist's view of psychotherapy**
Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1961 (
18 2012) (420pp.) [1995: New introduction by Peter Kramer]
contains | enthält: Rogers 1955b, 1954a, 1958a, 1961h, 1953c, 1956f, 1958b, 1960b, 1957d, 1955a, 1955d, chapter 10 from Rogers / Kinget 1959, Rogers 1957c, 1959g, 1952b, 1954e, 1961e; the following chapters are published for the first time | neu publiziert sind die Kapitel: 16 [= Rogers 1953f (manuscript)] and 18
Entwicklung der Persönlichkeit. Psychotherapie aus der Sicht eines Therapeuten
Stuttgart (Klett) 1973; 162006 (407 S.)
1961b The process equation of psychotherapy
in: American Journal of Psychotherapy 15,1 (1961) 27–45
also in: Hart, Joseph T. / Tomlinson, T. M., New directions in client–centered therapy, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1970, 190–205
1961c The loneliness of contemporary man, as seen in "The Case of Ellen West" [*]
in: Review of Existential Psychology and Psychiatry 1,2 (1961) 94–101
[contribution to 1958 symposium of American Academy of Psychotherapists on the case of Ellen West]
[*Binswanger, Ludwig, Der Fall Ellen West, in: Schweizer Archiv für Neurologie und Psychiatrie 53 (1944) 255–277; 54 (1944) 69–117, 330–360; 55 (1945) 16–40 | Binswanger Ludwig, The case of Ellen West, in: May, Rollo / Angel, Ernest / Ellenberger, Henri F. (eds.), Existence. A new dimension in psychiatry and psychology, New York (Basic) 1958]
also in: Annals of Psychotherapy 2 (1961) 22–27**
also in: Kirschenbaum, Howard / Land Henderson, Valerie (eds.), The Carl Rogers Reader, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1989, 157–168
extended version | erweiterte Fassung: "Ellen West — and loneliness"
in: Rogers 1980a, 164–180
Ellen West — und Einsamkeit [*]
in: Rogers / Rosenberg 1977, dt. 1980, 94–103
1961d The client–centered approach**
in: Annals of Psychotherapy 2,1+2 (1961) 51–53
[paper from the 1959 AHP Conference]
1961e The place of the person in the new world of behavioral sciences
in: Personnel and Guidance Journal 39,6 (1961) 442–451
in expanded form | erweitert: The behavioral sciences and the person
in: Rogers 1961a, 361–402
[part VII = chapter 20 and 21]
Die Verhaltenswissenschaften und der Mensch
in: Rogers 1961a, dt. 1973, 350–389
[VII. = Kapitel 20 und 21]
1961f A theory of psychotherapy with schizophrenics and a proposal for its empirical investigation
in: Dawson, Joseph G. / Stone, Herbert K. / Dellis, Nicholas P. (eds.), Psychotherapy with schizophrenics. A reappraisal, Baton Rouge (Louisiana State University Press) 1961, 3–19
= orig.: Mandeville, Lousiana (manuscript) 1958, retyped 1962
[paper given at a symposium on Psychotherapy with schizophrenics, South East Louisiana State Hospital, Mandeville, Louisiana, February 20–21, 1958]
1961g Two divergent trends**
in: May, Rollo (ed.), Existential psychology, Random House (New York) 1961, 85–93
1961h What we know about psychotherapy
in: Pastoral Psychology 12 (1961) 31–38
= chapter 4 in: Rogers 1961a
Was wir über Psychotherapie wissen, objektiv und subjektiv
in: Rogers 1961a, dt. 1973, 73–82
1961i Personal adjustment inventory. Series of character and personality tests. Manual of directions
New York (Association Press) 1961 (17+15 pp.)
= slightly revised version of | leicht überarbeitete Fassung von Rogers 1931b
1961j The developing values of the growing person
in: The Psychiatric Institute Bulletin, University of Wisconsin 1,13 (1961) (17 pp.)
[talk given to a conference on the theoretical basis of counseling, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, January 6, 1961]
1961k Introduction to the symposium
in: The Psychiatric Institute Bulletin, University of Wisconsin 1,10(a) (1961) (5 pp.)
[= expanded version of a paper presented at the 1961 APA Convention in New York, titled "Therapeutic and Research Progress in a Program of Psychotherapy with Hospitalized Schizophrenics", September 2, 1961]
1961l The potential of the human individual. The capacity for becoming fully functioning
in: Burton, Arthur (ed.), The conception of man, 1961
also in: Journal of Education 22 (1964/65) 1–14
v. 1965b
1961m The meaning of the good life
in: Kuenzli, Alfred E. (ed.), Reconstruction in religion. A symposium, Boston (Beacon) 1961
1961n The significance or meaning of the study to date
in: The Psychiatric Institute Bulletin, University of Wisconsin 1,10 (1961) (5 pp.)
[about reasearch at the Mendota State Hospital, Madison, Wisconsin]


1962a The interpersonal relationship. The core of guidance
in: Harvard Educational Review 4,32 (1962) 416–429
v. 1986i
also in: Mosher, R. L. et al. (eds.), Guidance. An examination, New York (Harcourt, Brace and World) 1965
also in: Rogers / Stevens 1967, 89–104;
Die zwischenmenschliche Beziehung: Das tragende Element in der Therapie
in: Rogers 1977b, 180–196
auch: Die zwischenmenschliche Beziehung als Zentrum von Beratung und Therapie
in: Rogers / Stevens 1967, dt. 1984, 103–119
1962b Toward becoming a fully functioning person
in: Combs, Arthur W. (ed.), Perceiving, behaving, becoming. A new focus for education, Washington D. C. (Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development) 1962 Yearbook, 21–33
1962c Some learnings from a study of psychotherapy with schizophrenics
in: Pennsylvania Psychiatric Quarterly, Summer (1962) 3–15
abridged version also in: Rogers / Stevens 1967, 181–192
(gekürzt): Ein Bericht über Psychotherapie mit Schizophrenen
in: Rogers 1977b, 161–180
auch (gekürzt): Einige Untersuchungsergebnisse aus der Psychotherapie mit Schizophrenen
in: Rogers / Stevens 1967, dt. 1984, 209–222
1962d Comment [on article by F. L. Vance]
in: Journal of Counseling Psychology 9 (1962) 16f
1962e Niebuhr on the nature of man
in: Doniger, S. (ed.), The nature of man, New York (Harper and Bros.) 1962, 55–71
= 1956e + three commentaries +1958e
1962f A study of psychotherapeutic change in schizophrenics and normals: The design and instrumentation
in: Psychiatric Research Reports, American Psychiatric Association 15 (1962) 51–60
1962g The therapeutic relationship. Theory and research
privately printed 1962
[lecture given under sponsorship of the Los Angeles Society of Clinical Psychologists in Beverly Hills, January 19, 1962]
v. 1965i
1962h Facilitation of freedom through learning
Kirkpatrick paper, San Francisco (University of California School of Medicine) 1962
[much of this paper was given as talk to Conference on Man and Civilization, San Francisco, January 1962]
1962i Enseigner et apprendre
in: Education Nationale 22 (1962) 12–14
Psychothérapie et relations humaines. Théorie et pratique de la thérapie nondirective
2 volumes | Bände, Leuven (Publications Universitaires) 1962; revised edition | überarbeitete Auflage 21965; Paris (Nauwealerts) 31967
v. Rogers / Kinget 1959


1963a The actualizing tendency in relation to "motives" and to consciousness
in: Jones, Marshall R. (ed.), Nebraska Symposion on Motivation, Lincoln, NE (University of Nebraska Press) 1963, 1–24
v. chapter 11 in: Rogers 1977a; v. 1963g
1963b Learning to be free
in: Farber, Seymour M. / Wilson, Robert H. (eds.), Conflict and creativity. Control of the mind, New York (McGraw Hill) 1963, 268–288
also in: Rogers / Stevens 1967, 47–66
condensed version: Learning to be free
in: National Education Association Journal, March 1963
Lernen, frei zu sein
in: Rogers / Stevens 1967, dt. 1984, 81–102
1963c The concept of the fully functioning person
in: Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, and Practice 1,1 (1963) 17–26
revised version: The goal: The fully functioning person
chapter 14 in: Rogers 1969a
also in: Rogers 1983a, 283–296
Das Ziel: Die sich verwirklichende und voll handlungsfähige Persönlichkeit
in: Rogers 1969a, dt. 1974, 268–286
1963d Toward a science of the person**
in: Journal of Humanistic Psychology 3 (1963)
also in: Wann, T. W. (ed.), Behaviorism and phenomenology. Contrasting bases for modern psychology, Chicago (University of Chicago Press) 1964, 109–140
[including discussion with Skinner, Scriven, Malcolm, MacLeod et. al.]
also in: Sutich, Anthony J. / Vich, Miles A. (eds.), Readings in Humanistic Psychology, New York (Free Press) 1969, 21–50
Auf dem Weg zu einer Wissenschaft der Person**
in: Kilp, Marianne / Straumann, Ursula (Hg.), Reader zu: Kommunikation und Interaktion in der Arbeitswelt, Frankfurt/M. (Fachhochschule) 1998, 28 S.
1963e Psychotherapy today. Or, where do we go from here?
in: American Journal of Psychotherapy 17,1 (1963) 5–16
[presented at the Sixth Annual Conference of the American Academy of Psychotherapists, New York City, October 14, 1961]
also in: Nunokawa, Walter D. (ed.), Readings in abnormal psychology. Human values and abnormal behavior, Chicago (Scott Foresman) 1965, 84–92
1963f Graduate education in psychology. A passionate statement**
(manuscript) 1963
= Current assumptions in graduate education. A passionate statement
chapter 8 in: Rogers 1969a
also in: Hart, Joseph T. / Tomlinson, T. M., New directions in client–centered therapy, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1970, 484–498
Darstellung und Kritik gegenwärtiger Voraussetzungen in der Universitätsausbildung
Kapitel 8 in: Rogers 1969a, dt. 1974, 167–185
1963g The actualizing tendency and its complex workings in the human organism
(manuscript) 1963 (21pp.)
v. 1963a
1963 & FILLOUX, J.–C.
Le non–directivisme et les relations humaines
in: Bulletin de psychologie 11 (1963)


1964a Freedom and commitment
in: The Humanist 24,2 (1964) 37–40
also in: ETC: A Review of General Semantics XXII,2,6 (1965)
= chapter 13 in: Rogers 1969a
also in: Rogers 1983a, 269–282
Freiheit und Engagement
in: Rogers 1969a, dt. 1974, 250–267
auch in: Rogers 1983a, dt. 1984, 211–232
1964b Toward a modern approach to values. The valuing process in the mature person
in: Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology 68,2 (1964) 160–167
also in: Rogers / Stevens 1967, 13–28
also in: Hart, Joseph T. / Tomlinson, T. M., New directions in client–centered therapy, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1970, 430–441
also in: Human Synergistics 1977
also in: Kirschenbaum, Howard / Land Henderson, Valerie (eds.), The Carl Rogers Reader, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1989, 168–185
Der Prozess des Wertens beim reifen Menschen
in: Rogers / Stevens 1967, dt. 1984, 37–55
extended version: A modern approach to the valuing process
chapter 12 in: Rogers 1969a
also in: Rogers 1983a, 255–268 (in the English edition only)
Ein zeitgemässer Ansatz für den Prozess des Wertens
in: Rogers 1969a, dt. 1974, 230–249


1965a Some thoughts regarding the current philosophy of the behavioral sciences
in: Journal of Humanistic Psychology 5,2 (1965) 182–194
v. 1968c
1965b A humanistic conception of man
in: Farson, Richard (ed.), Science and human affairs, Palo Alto (Science and Behavior Books) 1965, 18–31
also in: Carr, G. B. (ed.), Marriage and family in a decade of change, Reading (Addison–Wesley) 1972
  also in: Glass, John, F. / Staude, John R. (eds.), Humanistic society. Today's challenge to sociology, Pacific Palisades (Goodyear) 1972, 19–32
v. 1961l
1965c Can we meet the need for counseling? A suggested plan
in: Marriage and Family (National Marriage Guidance Council of Australia, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia) 2,3 (1965) 4–6
= (manuscript) 1956
1965d Dealing with psychological tensions
in: Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 1,1 (1965) 6–24
[address given to the 21st Annual Institute of World Affairs, San Diego State College, August 16, 1963]
1965e Foreword
in: Anderson, H., Creativity in childhood and adolescence, Palo Alto, CA (Science and Behavior Books) 1965, V–VII
1965f Psychology and teacher training
in: Gowan, D. B. / Richardson, Cynthia (eds.), Five fields and teacher education, Ithaca, NY (Project One Publications, Cornell University) 1965, 56–91
1965g Some questions and challenges facing a humanistic psychology
in: Journal of Humanistic Psychology 5,Spring (1965) 1–5
[informal remarks addressed to a meeting of the American Association for Humanistic Psychology, Los Angeles, September 3, 1964]
1965h An afternoon with Carl Rogers
in: Explorations 3 (1965) 104 (4 pp.)
[tape recording of an informal discussion at a one–day seminar held by Nancy Mehl in San Francisco on March 16, 1964]
1965i The therapeutic relationship. Recent theory and research
in: Australian Journal of Psychology 17,2 (1965) 95–108
[based on a lecture given to a joint meeting of the British Psychological Society (Victorian Group) and the Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (Victorian Branch) at the University of Melbourne, on February 6, 1965]
v. 1962g [1965i is a significant revision presenting findings from the Wisconsin study]


1966 To facilitate learning
in: Provus, M. (ed.), Innovations for time to teach, Washington, D. C. (National Education Association) 1966, 4–19
= (manuscript) 1965 (27 pp.)
Dialogue between Michael Polanyi and Carl Rogers
San Diego (San Diego State College and Western Behavioral Sciences Institute) 1966
[the dialogue occured in | der Dialog fand statt im July 1966 at San Diego State University as part of a conference on | als Teil der Konferenz "Man and the science of man]
also in: ETC. A Review of General Semantics XXV,1,3 (1968)
also in: Rogers / Coulson 1968, 193–201
further contributions to the discussion: 135–139, 154–165, 174–188
also in: Kirschenbaum, Howard / Land Henderson, Valerie (eds.), Carl Rogers: Dialogues, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1989, 153–175
[partly including the further contributions to the discussion of Rogers / Coulson 1968 | enthält auch teilweise die weiteren Diskussionbeiträge aus Rogers / Coulson 1968]
Paul Tillich and Carl Rogers - a dialogue
San Diego (San Diego State College) 1966
parts I & II

[the dialogue occured on | der Dialog fand statt am March 7, 1965 in the radio/television studio of San Diego State College in California]
also in: Kirschenbaum, Howard / Land Henderson, Valerie (eds.), Carl Rogers: Dialogues, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1989, 64–78
Paul Tillich und Carl Rogers im Gespräch
in: Rogers / Schmid
1991 [31998], 257–273


1967a Autobiography
in: Boring, E. G. / Lindzey, G. (eds.), A history of psychology in autobiography, Vol.5, New York (Appleton–Century–Crofts) 1967, 341–384
v. 1971h
1967b Foreword
in: Rogers / Stevens 1967, 1–2
in: Rogers / Stevens 1967, dt. 1984, 7–9

The process of the basic encounter group
in: Bugental, James F. (ed.), Challenges of humanistic psychology, New York (McGraw Hill) 1967, 263–272
v. 1969b

also in: Hart, Joseph T. / Tomlinson, T. M., New directions in client–centered therapy, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1970, 292–313
also: The encounter group**
in: Sahakian, William S. (ed.), Psychotherapy and counseling. Techniques in intervention, Chicago (Rand McNally) 1969, 568–583;
enlarged: chapter 2 in: Rogers 1970a
Der Prozess der Encounter–Gruppe
in: Rogers 1970a, dt. 1974, 22–49
1967d Client–centered psychotherapy
in: Freedman, Alfred M. / Kaplan, Harold I. (eds.), Comprehensive textbook of psychiatry, Baltimore, MD (Williams and Wilkins) 1967, 1225–1228
v. 1975e, 1980b, Rogers / Sanford 1985, 1989
1967e The facilitation of significant learning
in: Siegel, L. (ed.) Contemporary theories of instruction, San Francisco (Chandler) 1967, 37–54
1967f The interpersonal relationship in the facilitation of learning
in: Leeper, R. (ed.) Humanizing education, National Education Association, Alexandria, VA (Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development) 1967, 1–18
[lecture given at Harvard University June 1966]
also in: The Virgil E. Herrick Memorial Lecture Series, Columbus, Ohio (Charles E. Merrill) 1968
also in: Hart, Joseph T. / Tomlinson, T. M., New directions in client–centered therapy, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1970, 468–483
also in: The NAMTA Quarterly 8,4 (1983) 1–9
also in: Kirschenbaum, Howard / Land Henderson, Valerie (eds.), The Carl Rogers Reader, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1989, 304–322
revised version: chapter 4 in: Rogers 1969a
also in: Rogers 1983a, 119–134 [in the original edition only]
Zwischenmenschliche Beziehung und Förderung des Lernens
in: Rogers 1969a, dt. 1974, 104–130
1967g A plan for self–directed change in an educational system
in: Educational Leadership 24,8 (1967) 717–731
= (manuscript) 1967 (28 pp.)
revised version: chapter 15 in: Rogers 1969a
Ein Plan für selbstgesteuerten Wandel in einem Bildungssystem
in: Rogers 1969a, dt. 1974, 290–312
1967h What psychology has to offer to teacher education, teacher education and mental health
Association for student teaching 1967 yearbook, Cedar Falls (State College of Iowa) 1967, 37–57
= (manuscript) 1964
[paper prepared for Conference on Educational Foundations, Cornell University, April 27–28, 1964]
1967i A silent young man
in: Rogers / Gendlin / Kiesler / Truax 1967, 401–416
1967j A dialogue between therapists
in: Rogers / Gendlin / Kiesler / Truax 1967, 507–520
[A conversation with the father of Rogerian therapy. Carl Rogers speaks out on groups and the lack of a human science] Interview by MARY HARRINGTON HALL
in: Psychology Today 1,Dec. (1967) 19–21; 62–66
Gemeinsam alles Verstehen. Ein Gespräch mit Carl Rogers über "Veränderung durch Encounter–Gruppen"
in: Psychologie heute 5 (1976) 23–27
auch in: Redaktion Psychologie heute (Hg.), Neue Formen der Psychotherapie, 105–109
1967l [? <Title unknown | unbekannter Titel>]
in: Voices: The Art and Science of Psychotherapy, Summer 1967
[quoted by | zitiert von Maurice D. Friedman, e. g. | z. B. in: Journal of Humanistic Psychology 34,1 (1994)]
edited by Carl R. Rogers with the collaboration of: GENDLIN, EUGENE T. / KIESLER, DONALD J. / TRUAX, CHARLES B.
The therapeutic relationship and its impact. A study of psychotherapy with schizophrenics
Madison (University of Wisconsin Press) 1967 (625 pp.)
v. 1967i, 1967j, n.d. b, Rogers / Truax 1967, tapes (Mr. Vac)
Person to person. The problem of being human: A new trend in psychology
Walnut Creek, CA (Real People Press) 1967 (276 pp.)
contributions by Rogers: 1962a, 1962c, 1963b, 1964b, 1967b
Von Mensch zu Mensch. Möglichkeiten, sich und anderen zu begegnen
Paderborn (Junfermann) 1984, 21987 (313 S.), 32001 (261 S.)
auch: Wuppertal (Peter Homer) 2001
The therapeutic conditions antecedent to change. A theoretical view
in: Rogers / Gendlin / Kiesler / Truax 1967, 97–108


1968a Introduction
in: Rogers / Coulson 1968, 3–8
1968b Commentary
[to: Values, theories, and sources of truth (discussion)]
in: Rogers / Coulson 1968, 189–191
1968c Some thoughts regarding the current presuppositions of the behavioral sciences
in: Rogers / Coulson 1968, 55–72
slightly revised version of 1965a
also in: Kirschenbaum, Howard / Land Henderson, Valerie (eds.), The Carl Rogers Reader, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1989, 263–278
1968d Interpersonal relationships. U.S.A. 2000
in: Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 4,3 (1968) 265–280
= (manuscript) 1968 (10 pp.)
[symposium, sponsored by the Esalen Institute, San Francisco, »USA 2000«, January 10, 1968]
1968e A practical plan for educational revolution
in: Goulet, Richard R. (ed.), Educational change. The reality and the promise, New York (Citation Press) 1968, 120–155
[a report on the National Seminars on Innovation, Honolulu, July 1967]
1968f Review of J. Kavanaugh's book, A modern priest looks at his outdated church
in: Psychology Today 1968, 13
1968g To the Japanese reader
Tokio (Iwasaki Shoten) 1968
[introduction to an 18volume Japanese edition]
Man and the science of man
Columbus, Ohio (Charles E. Merrill) 1968 (207 pp.)
[contributions by Rogers | Beiträge von Rogers: 1968a, 1968c, 1968b, Rogers / Polanyi 1966]


Freedom to learn. A view of what education might become
Columbus, OH (Charles E. Merrill) 1969 (358pp.)
contains | enthält Rogers 1957c, 1963c, 1964b, 1963f, 1964a, 1967f, 1967g, 1978h, (chapters 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10 and the postscript are new)
v. 1974e, 1974f, 1978h, 1980g, especially 1983a, Rogers/Freiberg 1994
Lernen in Freiheit. Zur Bildungsreform in Schule und Universität
München (Kösel) 1974 (336 S.)
Taschenbuchausgabe: Lernen In Freiheit. Zur inneren Reform von Schule und Universität
Frankfurt/M. (Fischer, Reihe »Geist und Psyche« Nr. 42307) 1988 (357 S.)
[Titeländerung, Seitenzahlen verändert]
Community. The Group
in: Psychology Today 3,7 (1969)
27-31, 58, 60f
= abbreviated version of 1967c
v. 1970a
also: What happens in an encounter group?
in: Psychology Today (British edition) 1975
1969c The increasing involvement of the psychologist in social problems. Some comments, positive and negative
in: Journal of Applied Behavioral Sciences 5,1 (1969) 3–7
[talk given September 1, 1968 in San Francisco at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association]
Freundliche und unfreundliche Bemerkungen über die Psychologen
in: Gruppendynamik 21 (1971) 67–70
1969d The intensive group experience
in: Psychology Today. An introduction, Del Mar, CA (CRM Books) 1969, 539–555
v. tapes
1969e The person of tomorrow
Sonoma State College Pamphlet 1969
[commencement address, June 1969]
v. tapes
also in: USIU Doctoral Society Journal 3,1 (1970), 11–16
also in: Carr, G. B. (ed.), Marriage and family in a decade of change, Reading (Addison–Wesley) 1972, 3–8
also in: Colorado Journal of Educational Research 12,1 (1972)
1969f Self–directed change for educators. Experiments and implications
in: Morphet, E. / Jesser, D. E. (eds.), Preparing educators to meet emerging needs, New York (Citation Press, Scholastic Magazine) 1969 [paper presented at the Governor's Conference on Education for the Future, an eight–state project]
= Self–directed change. An answer to the educational crisis
(manuscript) 1969 (15 pp.)
[talk given to the Council of Chief of State School Officers, Phoenix, Arizona, November 17, 1969]
1969g Some personal learnings about interpersonal relationships
in: Word 7,2 (1969) 6–10
= filmscript: F-1966
1969h A fantasy
(manuscript) 1969 (9 pp.)
[on teaching in elementary and high school]
1969i Nondirective counseling. Client–centered therapy
in: Sahakian, William S. S. (ed.), Psychotherapy and counseling. Techniques in intervention, Chicago (Rand McNally) 1969, 382–422; 21976
= from  1959a



On encounter groups
New York (Harper and Row) 1970 (168 pp.)
[contains 1967c (enlarged =chapter 2)]
v. 1969b, 1971a, 1979i, 1980f, 1989k
Encounter–Gruppen. Das Erlebnis der menschlichen Begegnung
München (Kindler) 1974 (168 S.)
Taschenbuchausgabe Frankfurt/M. (Fischer, Reihe "Geist und Psyche" Nr. 42260) 1984 (179 S.)
[Seitenzahlen und Register verändert]
1970h Carl Rogers says, "It is my observation"
in: AHP Newsletter, 7,1 (1970) 1,7
1970c Foreword
in: Hart, Joseph T. / Tomlinson, T. M., New directions in client–centered therapy, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1970, VII–X
1970d Rogers on change
in: Educate 3,3 (1970)
[based on talk given to the Council Chief of State School Officers, Phoenix, November 1969]
1970e Carl Rogers resigns from USIU
in: AHP Newsletter 7,1 (1970) 4, 6

[Views of USIU (=United States International University)]
1970f Bringing together the cognitive and the affective–experiential
(manuscript) 1970 (26 pp.)
v. 1972d
[A second conversation with Carl Rogers, conducted by Keith Berwick
(handwritten manuscript), Los Angeles 1970 (29 pp.)]
transcribed from F-1969    
Looking back and ahead. A conversation with Carl Rogers

in: Hart, Joseph T. / Tomlinson, T. M., New directions in client–centered therapy, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1970, 502–534


1971a On facilitating encounter groups
in: The American Journal of Nursing 71,2 (1971) 275–279
= revised version of chapter 3 of 1970a
v. 1989k
Wie ich Gruppen leite
in: Schmid, Peter F., Personzentrierte Gruppenpsychotherapie in der Praxis, Bd. II: Die Kunst der Begegnung, Paderborn (Junfermann) 1996, 541–552
1971b Forget you are a teacher. Carl Rogers tells why
in: Instructor, (Dansville, N.Y.) Aug./Sept. (1971) 65f;
also (condensed) in: Educational Digest, November 1971
1971c Can schools grow persons? Editorial
in: Educational Leadership, Dec. (1971)
1971d Psychological maladjustments vs. continuing growth
in: Developmental Psychology, Del Mar, CA (CRM Books) 1971
1971e Some elements of effective interpersonal communication
in: Washington State Journal of Nursing May/June (1971) 3–11
= (manuscript) 1964
[talk given at the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, November 9, 1964; included as part of the »Yardsticks for Nursing Service« conference, held at Alderbrook Inn, October 26–30, 1969]
[Interview with Dr. Carl Rogers]
in: FRICK, WILLARD B. (ed.), Humanistic psychology. Conversations with Abraham Maslow, Gardner Murphy and Carl Rogers, Columbus, OH (Charles E. Merrill) 1971, 86–115
also: Bristol, IN (Windham Hall) 1989, 86–115]
1971g Carl Rogers — 1971
(manuscript) 1971 (31 pp.)
[talk; Rogers' concerns and activities at that time]
1971h Autobiography**
(manuscript) n. d. [C. R. Rogers Memorial Library]
[unpublished update of 1967a]



Becoming partners. Marriage and its alternative
New York (Delacorte) 1972 (243 pp.)
v. 1989e, 1989j
Partnerschule. Zusammenleben will gelernt sein – Das offene Gespräch mit Paaren und Ehepaaren
München (Kindler) 1975 (184 S.)
Taschenbuchausgabe Frankfurt/M. (Fischer, Reihe »Geist und Psyche« Nr. 42236) 1982 (208 S.)
[Seitenzahlen verändert]
1972b Some social issues which concern me
in: Journal of Humanistic Psychology 12,2 (1972) 45–60
1972c My personal growth
in: Burton, Arthur (ed.), Twelve therapists, San Francisco (Jossey–Bass) 1972
1972d Bringing together ideas and feelings in learning
in: Learning Today 5 (1972) 32–43
[based on address given at the 1971 Library-College conference, San Francisco]
v. 1970f
1972e Comment on Brown and Tedeschi's article
in: Journal of Humanistic Psychology 12,1 (1972) 16–21
[a response to the article: Brown, Robert C. / Tedeschi, J., Graduate education in psychology. A comment on Rogers' passionate statement, in: Journal of Humanistic Psychology 12,1 (1972)]
1972f Introduction [to: Tsuge, Haruko, My experience in encounter group]
Voices: The Art and Science of Psychotherapy 8,2 (1972), Tokyo
also in: Coulson, Bill / Land, Doug / Meador, Bruce (eds.), The La Jolla experiment: Eight personal views, La Jolla (The La Jolla Program) 1977, 25–27
1972g A research program in client–centered therapy
in: Brown, Steven R. / Brenner, Donald J. (eds.), Science, psychology and communication. Essays honoring William Stephenson, New York (Teachers College, Columbia University) 1972, 312–324
[new introduction (1971), the rest = 1953b]
1972h Foreword
in: Solomon, L. N. / Berzon, B. (eds.), New perspectives on encounter groups, San Francisco (Jossey–Bass) 1972
1972i Person to person: Parent and adolescent
(manuscript) 1972 (28pp)
1972j Remarks taped for Atlanta Conference
(manuscript) 1972 (6 pp.)
[Conference of the National Association for Foreign Student Advisors, Atlanta, May 1972]


1973a Some new challenges
in: American Psychologist 28,5 (1973) 379–387
[invited address presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, Hawaii, September 2, 1972]
= Some new challenges to the helping professions
in: Rogers 1980a, 235–259
[in the original edition only]
also in: Kirschenbaum, Howard / Land Henderson, Valerie (eds.), The Carl Rogers Reader, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1989, 357–375
Neue Herausforderungen
in: Rogers / Rosenberg 1977, dt. 1980, 156–174
1973b My philosophy of interpersonal relationships and how it grew
in: Journal of Humanistic Psychology 13,2 (1973) 3–15
[adapted from an address to the Tenth Annual Meeting of the Association of Humanistic Psychology, Honolulu, August 31, 1972]        
also in: Rogers 1980a, 27–45
[in the original edition only]
Meine Philosophie der interpersonalen Beziehungen und ihre Entstehung
in: Rogers / Rosenberg 1977, dt. 1980, 185–198
auch (leicht gekürzt): Entwicklung und Stand meiner Ansichten über zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen
in: Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Gesprächspsychotherapie (Hg.), Die klientenzentrierte Gesprächspsychotherapie, München (Kindler) 1975, 11–24
1973c The interpersonal relationship that helps schizophrenics
Montreal (manuscript) 1973 (7 pp.)
[contribution to panel discussion "Psychotherapy is effective with schizophrenics", American Psychological Association Convention, Montreal, August 28, 1973]
1973d Comment by Carl Rogers
in: Journal of Humanistic Psychology 13, 1 (1973) 83f
[A reply to: Pitts, Carl E., Twelve years later: A reply to Carl Rogers, in: Journal of Humanistic Psychology 13, 1 (1973) 75–81]
1973e The good life as an ever–changing process
in: America and the future of man, (Regents of the University of California) 1973
9th of newspaper series, distributed by Copley News Service
1973f To be fully alive
Penney's Forum 3,Spring/Summer (1973)
1973g Foreword [to the Japanese translation of Rogers 1970a]
Tokyo 1973
[An encounter with Carl Rogers]
in: Res Publica (Claremont Men's College) 1,1 (1973) 41–51
[Entretien avec Carl Rogers]**
Entretien mené par J. MOUSSEAU, Psychologies 6 (1973) 57-65
Client–centered therapy
in: Corsini, Raymond J. (ed.), Current psychotherapies, Itasca, Ill. (F. E. Peacock) 1973, 119–166
v. Rogers / Meador 1984, Rogers / Raskin 1989
; Rogers / Raskin 2000


1974a Can learning encompass both ideas and feelings?
in: education 95,2 (1974) 103–114
also in: Educational Digest 40,April (1975) 56-59
slightly revised also in: Rogers 1980a, 263–291
[in the original edition only]
Kann Lernen sowohl Gedanken als auch Gefühle einbeziehen?
in: Rogers / Rosenberg 1977, dt. 1980, 138–155
1974b Questions I would ask myself if I were a teacher
in: education 95,2 (1974) 134–139
[revision of a talk given to a Conference on the Gifted and the Talented, Squaw Valley, California, July 1973]
also in: The Educational Forum 51,2 (1987) 115–122
v. chapter 6 in Rogers 1983a
1974c In retrospect: Forty–six years
in: American Psychologist 29,2 (1974) 115–123
[talk given at the Annual Conference of the APA in Montreal, August 28, 1973]
also in: Evans, Richard I., Carl Rogers — the man and his ideas, New York (Dutton) 1975, 119–146
also in: Rogers 1980a, 46–69
[in the original edition only]
Rückblick: Sechsundvierzig Jahre
in: Rogers / Rosenberg 1977, dt. 1980, 35–52
1974d Remarks on the future of client–centered therapy
in: Wexler, David A. / Rice, Laura North (eds.), Innovations in client–centered therapy, New York (John Wiley and Sons) 1974, 7–13
1974e The project at Immaculate Heart. An experiment in self–directed change
in: education 95,2 (1974) 172–189
consisting of: Introduction, 172; Part I. The dream, 172–175 ; Part II. The reality: The first six months, 176–182; Part III. After three years: My view and that of outside evaluators, 183–189
[part II = condensation of postscript of 1969a (Epilogue: Self–directed educational change in action);
part III = 1974f]
1974f After three years. My view and that of outside evaluators
in: education 95,2 (1974) 183–189
[written in 1970, previously published only in the French edition of 1969a]
v. 1974e
1974g [Interview with Gloria]
"Application of theory" = part of: Rogers/Wood 1974, 237–254 [Burton, Arthur (ed.), Operational theories of personality, New York (Brunner/Mazel) 1974]

original: film F-1965
v. 1984c, V-1965
Gespräch mit Gloria (mit Kommentar)
in: Rogers 1977b, 142–161
v. video V-1965 
1974h The cavern
(manuscript) 1974
1974i Foreword [to the Japanese translation of Rogers / Stevens 1967]
Tokyo 1974
1974j Foreword [to: Lyon, Harold C., It's me and I'm here]
New York (Delacorte) 1974, xi–xiii
1974k Preface [to: Peretti, André de, Pensée et verité de Carl Rogers]
Toulouse (private) 1974, 20–27
[Interview on "Growth"]
in: Oltmans, W. (ed.), On growth. The crisis of exploring population and resource depletion, New York (G. P. Putnam's Sons) 1974, 197–205
1974m A belated "Declaration of Independence"
(manuscript) 1974 (34 pp.)
[a look at Ellen West from the perspective of inter–personal politics] 
1974n A response – "Dear Bonnie"**
in: education 95,2 (1974) 195f
[a response to: McWhinney, Bonnie, Seven years later – "Dear Carl",
in: education 95,2 (1974) 190–195
1974 & WOOD, JOHN K.
Client–centered theory: Carl Rogers

in: Burton, Arthur (ed.), Operational theories of personality, New York (Brunner/Mazel) 1974, 211–258
v. 1974g
Klientenzentrierte Theorie
in: Rogers 1977b, 113–141


1975a Empathic — an unappreciated way of being
in: The Counseling Psychologist 5,2 (1975) 2–10        
also in: Rogers 1980a, 137–163
[in the original edition only]
Eine neue Definition von Einfühlung
in: Jankowski, Peter / Tscheulin, Dieter / Fietkau, Hans–Joachim / Mann , Frido (Hg.), Klientenzentrierte Psychotherapie heute, Göttingen (Hogrefe) 1976, 33–51
auch: Empathie — eine unterschätzte Seinsweise
in: Rogers / Rosenberg 1977, dt. 1980, 75–93
1975b A person–centered approach to intergroup tensions
Cuernavaca (manuscript) 1975 (8 pp.)
[paper at AHP Conference, Cuernavaca, Mexico, December 19, 1975]
1975c The emerging person: A new revolution
in: Evans, Richard I. (ed.), Carl Rogers. The man and his ideas, New York (E. P. Dutton) 1975, 147–175

v. tapes
also in: World Union, 16,8 (1976)
= The emerging person. The spearhed of the quiet revolution**
(manuscript) 1975 (29 pp.)
Die Entstehung des neuen Menschen — Eine neue Revolution
in: Rogers / Rosenberg 1977, dt. 1980, 200–216
1975d Psychologie als subversive Wissenschaft
in: Psychologie heute 6 (1975) 49–51
[Rede anläßlich der Verleihung der Ehrendoktorwürde der Universität Hamburg]
1975e Client–centered psychotherapy
in: Freedman, A. M. / Kaplan, Harold I. / Sadock, Benjamin J. (eds.), Comprehensive textbook of psychiatry, II, Vol. 2, Baltimore, MD (Williams and Wilkins) 21975, 1831–1843
v. 1967d, 1980b, Rogers / Sanford 1985
, 1989; v. also 1980f, n.d. a, tapes
includes the cases of | enthält die Falldarstellungen: Mrs. Oak, Mr. Vac
(gekürzt): Klientenzentrierte Psychotherapie
in: Rogers 1977b, 15–52
1975f Preface
in: To Thi Anh, Eastern and Western cultural values. Conflict or harmony?, Manila (East Asian Pastoral Institute) 1975 (3 pp.)
= La Jolla (manuscript) 1974 (3 pp.)
[A dialogue with Carl Rogers]
in: EVANS, RICHARD I., Carl Rogers. The man and his ideas, New York (E. P. Dutton) 1975, 1–118
[An Interview with Dr. Carl Rogers]
in: Practical Psychology for Physicians 2,8 (1975) 16–24
1975i Janet mourns
(manuscript) 1975
v. 1977g
1975j Client-centered therapy**
Cassette recording, Carl Rogers (speaker)
in: Psychology Today, Brookly, NJ, 1975
[quoted in: Patterson, Cecil H. On being client–centered, in: Person-Centered Review 5,4 (1990) 425–432]
Control of human behavior**
v. Rogers/Skinner 1989; tapes


1976a Rückblick auf die Entwicklung meines therapeutischen und philosophischen Denkens
in: Jankowski, Peter / Tscheulin, Dieter / Fietkau, Hans–Joachim / Mann , Frido (Hg.), Klientenzentrierte Psychotherapie heute, Göttingen (Hogrefe) 1976, 26–32
1976b The changing politics of education
Harvard University (manuscript) Oct. 20, 1976 (14 pp.)
[The Burton Lecture of 1976, Harvard University , October 20, 1976]
v. 1977e; 1977a, chapter 8
1976c Beyond the watershed in education
in: Teaching–Learning Journal Winter/Spring (1976) 43–49
v. 1977c
also: Beyond the watershed: And where now?
in: Rogers 1980a, 292–315
Beyond the watershed and where now?**
in: Educational Leadership 34,8 (1977) 623–631
[condensed version]
also in: The Educational Digest, October 1977**
Jenseits der Wasserscheide: und wohin jetzt
in: Rogers 1980a, dt. 1981, 137–152
fr.: Et après?
Conférence donnée au C. A. E. L. Conference, Denver, Colorado 5/9/76, dans: Sociologie et Sociétés IX,2 (1976) 56–67
1976d Discussion with Carl Rogers
in: Evans, Richard I., The making of psychology. Discussion with creative contributors, New York (Alfred Knopf) 1976, 213–226

v. F-1970



On personal power. Inner strength and its revolutionary impact
New York (Delacorte) 1977 (299 p.)
v. 1963a, 1977h, 1978e, 1988a, 1989l, 1989m
Die Kraft des Guten. Ein Appell zur Selbstverwirklichung
München (Kindler) 1978 (330 S.); 61997
v. Rogers 1978c
Taschenbuchausgabe Frankfurt/M. (Fischer, Reihe »Geist und Psyche« Nr. 42271) 1985
Therapeut und Klient. Grundlagen der Gesprächspsychotherapie
München (Kindler) 1977; 141999 (200 S.)
= collection of | Sammlung von Rogers 1975e (gekürzt), Rogers / Lewis / Shlien 1959, Rogers / Wood 1974, Rogers 1974g, Rogers 1962c (gekürzt), Rogers 1962a
Taschenbuchausgabe Frankfurt/M. (Fischer, Reihe »Geist und Psyche« Nr. 42250) 1983 (235 S.)
[Seitenzahlen und Register verändert]
1977c Tribute to Professor Haruko Tsuge
in: Studies of the Person, Vol. 3, Tokyo (Department of Education, Japan Women's University), 1977, 35–38 [Japanese]
1977d Preface [to: Fairfield, Ray, Person–centered graduate education]
Elmhurst, Ill. (Hagle and Co, Promethius Books) 1977
= (manuscript) 1977 (4 pp.)
1977e The politics of education
in: Journal of Humanistic Education 1,1 (1977) 6–22
[talk given at the Conference on Humanistic Education, April, 1975]
v. 1976b, 1982g; v. 1977a, chapter 8
also in: Rogers 1983a, 185–194;
also in: Kirschenbaum, Howard / Land Henderson, Valerie (eds.), The Carl Rogers Reader, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1989, 323–334;
= (manuscript) 1977 (14pp.)
in: Rogers / Rosenberg 1977, dt. 1980, 129–137;
auch: Erziehungspolitik
in: Rogers 1983a, dt. 1984, 138–150
1977f Freedom to be. A person–centered approach
in: Studies of the Person, Vol. 3, Tokyo (Department of Education, Japan Women's University ), 1977, 5–18 [Japanese]
= (manuscript) 1977 (14 pp.)
[invited address to the Convention of American Psychological Association, Washington, D. C., September 5, 1976]
1977g Nancy mourns
in: Nevill, Dorothy (ed.) Humanistic psychology. New frontiers, New York (Gardner) 1977, 111–116
= revised version of 1975i
v. 1980f
1977h Personal power at work
in: Psychology Today 10,11 (1977) 60–62, 93f
= condensed version of chapter 8 in: Rogers 1977a
1977 & HOLDSTOCK, T. L.
Person–centered theory
in: Corsini, Raymond J. (ed.), Current personality theories, Itasca, Ill. (F. E. Peacock) 1977, 125–151
v. Rogers / Holdstock 1983
A pessoa como Centro
Sao Paolo (Editoria Pedagogica e Universitaria Ltda.)
1977 contributions by Rogers | Beiträge von Rogers: 1961c, 1973a, 1973b, 1974a, 1974c, 1975a, 1975c, 1977e, 1978d
Die Person als Mittelpunkt der Wirklichkeit
Stuttgart (Klett) 1980 (226 S.),
22005 (234 S.) mit einem Vorwort v. Helmuth Beutel


1978a The necessary and sufficient conditions of therapeutic personality change (1957). Abstract and commentary
in: Current Contents 18,27 (1978) 14
also as: Elmcrest Classic of the month 3,11 (1978)
1978b The formative tendency
in: Journal of Humanistic Psychology 18,1 (1978) 23–26
[opening comments, presented at the AHP Theory Conference, April 5, 1975]
v. 1979a
1978c Der gute Mensch von La Jolla
in: Psychologie heute 5 (1978) 37–42
= Auszüge aus Kapitel 1, 2, 12 von Rogers 1977a
1978d Do we need "a" reality?
in: Dawnpoint 1,2 (1978) 6–9
v. V-1974, tapes
also in: Rogers 1980a, 96–108
[in the original version only]
also in: Kirschenbaum, Howard / Land Henderson, Valerie (eds.), The Carl Rogers Reader, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1989, 420–429
Brauchen wir "eine" Wirklichkeit?
in: Rogers / Rosenberg 1977, dt. 1980, 175–184
1978e My political stance
(manuscript) 1978 (4 pp.)
1978f Meeting my needs as a facilitator
(manuscript) 1978 (4 pp.)
1978g Education — a personal activity
( manuscript) 1978
v. 1981c
1978h From heart to heart. Some elements of effective interpersonal communication
in: Marriage Encounter 7,2 (1978) 8–15
= (manuscript) 1964 (17 pp.)
[talk given at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), Pasadena, California, September 11, 1964]
also: Being in relationship**
in: Voices 6,2 (1970) 11-19
revised version: Being in relationship
= chapter 11 in: Rogers 1969a
v. Rogers 1980g (revised version)
in: Rogers 1969a, dt. 1974, 213–229
1978i Some directions in AHP
(manuscript) 1978 (1 p.)
in: San Diego Union, July 9, 1978
1978k (manuscript) 1978
[delivered at a workshop in El Escorial, Spain, March 1978]
v. 1982e
1978l Carl R. Rogers papers
in: The Quarterly Journal of the Library of Congress 35,Oct. (1978) 258f
Evolving aspects of person–centered workshops
in: Self and Society, London, 6,2 (1978) 43–49
also in: AHP Newsletter Jan. (1979) 11–14


1979a The foundations of the person–centered approach
in: education 100,2 (1979) 98–107
v. V-1981c; 1963a, 1978b
also in: Dialectics and Humanism, 1 (1981) 5–16
= (manuscript) 1979 (22 pp.)
together with 1978b also in: Rogers 1980a, 113–136
Die Grundlagen des personenzentrierten Ansatzes
in: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Personenzentrierte Gesprächsführung (Hg.), Persönlichkeitsentwicklung durch Begegnung. Das personenzentrierte Konzept in Psychotherapie, Erziehung und Wissenschaft, Wien (Deuticke) 1984, 10–26
= Wien (Manuskript) 1979 (17 S.)
auch in: Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie und Gruppendynamik 6 (1981) 4–16
auch: Die Grundlagen eines personenzentrierten Ansatzes
in: Rogers 1980a, dt. 1981, 65–84
v. 1982l
1979b Groups in two cultures
in: The Personal and Guidance Journal 38,1 (1979) 11–15
[slightly expanded version of a talk for the APGA Convention, Las Vegas, April 3, 1979 and a workshop at the World Symposium in Humanity, April 9, 1979]
= (manuscript) 1979 (20 pp.)
orig.: Thoughts about groups in two cultures
(manuscript) 1979 (23 pp.)
1979c Some new directions. A personal view
in: Hanna, T. (ed.), Explorers of humankind, San Francisco (Harper and Row) 1979
v. V-n.d. d
original version: (manuscript), June 1978 (15 pp.)
1979d Introduction [to new edition of Rogers 1969a]
1979e Living the process of dying
(manuscript) 1979
1979f A "kids workshop"
(manuscript) 1979 (4 pp.)
[My hopes for the workshop in Rome]
Interview with ALBERTO ZUCCHONI, in: Pulsazione (1979)]
[Des idées très simples et très subversives]**
Entretien mené par
F. GAUSSEN, Le Monde, 23  sept. 1979
1979i Die Zukunft der Gruppenbewegung
in: Heigl–Evers, Anneliese / Streeck, Ulrich (Hg.), Die Psychologie des 20. Jahrhunderts, Bd. VIII: Lewin und die Folgen, München (Kindler) 1979, 868–872

[= gekürzte und von den Herausgebern bearbeitete Fassung von Kapitel 10 aus 1970a]
Learnings in large groups. Their implications for the future

in: education 100,2 (1979) 108–116
also in: Rogers 1980a, 316–335
= (manuscript) 1979 (23 pp.)
Lernerfahrungen in Großgruppen. Ihre Implikationen für die Zukunft
in: Rogers 1980a, dt. 1981, 153–172
1979 & ASSOCIATES [with Center for Studies of the Person]
Proposal for a learning program
(manuscript) 1979 (13pp.)



A way of being**
Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1980 (395 pp.); 1995 [with a new introduction by Irvin D. Yalom, vii–xiii]
contents | Inhalt: Rogers 1961c, 1973a, 1973b, 1974a, 1974c, 1975a, 1976c, 1978d, 1979a, 1980c, 1980d, 1980e, 1980f, 1980g, Rogers / Bowen / Miller / Wood 1979;v. 1984d
(teilweise): Der neue Mensch
Stuttgart (Klett) 1981; 92012 (209 S.)
[Hinweis: viele andere Beiträge aus dem Original sind in: Rogers / Rosenberg 1977, dt. 1980]
1980b Client–centered psychotherapy
in: Kaplan, Harold I. / Freedman, A. M. / Sadock, Benjamin J. (eds.), Comprehensive textbook of psychiatry, III, Vol. 2, Baltimore, MD (Williams and Wilkins) 31980, 2153–2168
v. 1967d, 1975e, Rogers / Sanford 1984, 1989; n.d. a, tapes
[includes the cases of | enthält die Falldarstellungen: Mr. J., Mr. Vac, Susan]
Klientenzentrierte Psychotherapie
in: Rogers / Schmid
1991 [31998], 185–237
[mit Zusätzen und einem Anhang aus Rogers / Sanford 1984]
auch (leicht gekürzt) in: Corsini, Raymond J., Handbuch der Psychotherapie, Bd. 1, München (Psychologie VerlagsUnion) 21987, 471–512
1980c Building person–centered communities. The implications for the future
in: Rogers 1980a, 181–206
also: Building person–centered communities
in: Villoldo, Alberto / Dytchwald, Ken (eds.), Revisioning human potential. Glimpses into the 21st century, Los Angeles (Tarcher) 1981, 135–146
= (manuscript) 1980 (26 pp.)
Der Aufbau personenzentrierter Gemeinwesen. Implikationen für die Zukunft
in: Rogers 1980a, dt. 1981, 85–107
The world of tomorrow, and the person of tomorrow
in: Rogers 1980a, 339–356;
Blick in die Zukunft
in: Rogers 1980a, dt. 1981, 173–186
1980e Growing old — or older and growing
in: Journal of Humanistic Psychology 20,4 (1980) 5–16
[written in 1977]

also in: Rogers 1980a, 70–95
also in: Kirschenbaum, Howard / Land Henderson, Valerie (eds.), The Carl Rogers Reader, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1989, 37–56
= (manuscript) 1980 (22 pp.)
Alt werden oder: Älter werden und wachsen
in: Rogers 1980a, dt. 1981, 37–64
1980f Six vignettes
in: Rogers 1980a, 207–234
[including: Rogers 1970a, 111–113, a section of Rogers 1975e, Rogers 1977g]
Sechs Vignetten
in: Rogers 1980a, dt. 1981, 108–133
1980g Experiences in communication
in: Rogers 1980a, 5–26
= v. 1978h, also 1969a
Erfahrungen in Kommunikation
in: Rogers 1980a, dt. 1981, 17–36
1980h New world — new person
(manuscript) 1980 (17 pp.)
v. V-1981i
also: Conceptions of a new world and a new person
(manuscript) 1980
[paper given at a conference on "Living Companies in a New Age" in Abo, Finland]
also: New world — new person. Our relationship to that person
(manuscript) 1982 (18 pp.)
[given at the conference "The Human Dimension in Health Care", February 22, 1981]
Neue Welt — neue Menschen
in: GwG–info 44 (1981) 41–50
1980i Introduction [to the Japanese translation of Rogers 1977a]
1980j The power within
(manuscript) 1980
1980k Some personal observations on psychotherapy research
(manuscript) 1980
in: The Relator 23,1 (1980) (APGA Newsletter)
in: Los Angeles Times, July 31, 1980
Ursula interview with Carl Rogers
Demonstration interview from "Living Now Workshop", July 1980
(manuscript) 1980 (23 pp.) [C. R. Rogers Memorial Library]
v. V-1980b
1980o The security guard. A vignette
(manuscript) 1980 (3 pp.)v. 1980f


1981a Some unanswered questions
in: Journey 1,1 (1981) 1.4
1981b Introduction [to the Japanese edition of Rogers 1972a]
Tokyo 1981
1981c Education — a personal activity
in: Educational Change and Development 3,3 (1981) 1–12 (Sheffield, England)
v. 1978h
1981d Notes on Rollo May
in: Perspectives (Humanistic Psychology Institute) 2,1 (1981) 1 (special issue: "Rollo May: Man and philosopher")
also in: Kirschenbaum, Howard / Land Henderson, Valerie (eds.), Carl Rogers: Dialogues, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1989, 237–239
1981e Vorwort zur deutschen Ausgabe [von Rogers 1980a; dt. 1981]
in: Rogers 1980a, dt. 1981, 7–9
[Personenzentrierte Gesprächsführung. Ein Gespräch mit C. R. Rogers beim La Jolla Programm in Österreich, veranstaltet von der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Personenzentrierte Gesprächsführung]
Wien (Manuskript, Tonbandabschrift) 1981 (9 S.)] [April 1981]
v. V-1981e
& LYON, HAROLD C., Jr.**
On becoming a teacher
Columbus (Charles E. Merrill) 1981


1982a A psychologist looks at nuclear war. Its threat, its possible prevention
in: Journal of Humanistic Psychology 22,4 (1982) 9–20
also in: APA Monitor 13,8, 9–21
also in: Self and Society 10,5 213–223
also in: Kirschenbaum, Howard / Land Henderson, Valerie (eds.), The Carl Rogers Reader, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1989, 445–456
also in: GwG–info 47 (1982) 6–15
Ansichten eines Psychologen über den Atomkrieg. Seine Gefahren, seine mögliche Verhinderung
in: GwG–info 47 (1982) 16–27

v. Video V-1982a
auch in: GwG–info 48 (1982) 36–51 [mit Diskussion]
auch: Köln (GwG) 1987
auch: Betrachtungen eines Psychologen über den Atomkrieg: Die Gefahr, die mögliche Vermeidung**
in: Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie und Gruppendynamik 4 (1982) 3-11
[Gespräch Carl Rogers mit dem Vorstand der GwG]
in: GwG–info 48 (1982) 18–35
[Diskussion mit Ausbildern der GwG]
in: GwG–info 48 (1982) 51–52

v. Video V-1982b
Interview mit einer Klientin
in: GwG–info 48 (1982) 52–61
v. V-1982b
1982e My politics
in: Journey 1,6 (1982) 8
= excerpt from 1978k
1982f Reply to Rollo May's Letter to Carl Rogers
in: Journal of Humanistic Psychology 22,4 (1982) 85–89
also in: Kirschenbaum, Howard / Land Henderson, Valerie (eds.), Carl Rogers: Dialogues, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1989, 251–255
[published together with May, Rollo, The problem of evil. An open letter to Carl Rogers, 239–251; orig. in: Journal of Humanistic Psychology 22,3 (1982) 10–21]
1982g Freedom to learn for the 80s
AHP Newsletter Oct. (1982) 20f
= extract from Rogers 1983a, Introduction
1982h Entrevista Con Carl Rogers
Anuario de psicologia 27,2 (1982) 111–115 (Barcelona)
1982i My secret life with plants
(manuscript) 1982
[read at Rogers' 80th birthday party]
1982j The expanding process of the person–centered approach
(manuscript) 1982
[paper given at APA Convention »Round table discussion: As the person–centered approach moves into the 1980s«]
Carl Rogers with "Marian"**
Living Now Institute (manuscript) 1982 [C. R. Rogers Memorial Library]
[Demonstration interview]
v. V-1982d
1982l Meine Beschreibung einer personzentrierten Haltung
in: Zeitschrift für Personenzentrierte Psychologie und Psychotherapie 1 (1982) 75–77
= Rogers 1979a (stark gekürzt)
auch in: Langer, Inghard, Das persönliche Gespräch als Weg in der psychologischen Forschung, Köln (GwG) 2002, 22-25
The effective teacher. A person–centered development guide
Sheffield, England (PAVIC) 1982 (42 pp.)



Freedom to learn for the 80's
Columbus, OH (Charles E. Merrill) 1983 (312 pp.)
= completely revised edition of | völlig neu bearbeitete Auflage von Rogers 1969a, including also Rogers 1977e; v. 1982g; especially Rogers/Freiberg 1994 (3rd edition | 3. Auflage)
v. 1983c
Freiheit und Engagement. Personenzentriertes Lehren und Lernen
München (Kösel) 1984 (253 S.)
consists only of the chapters not included in 1969a, plus 1964a |enthält nur die gegenüber 1969a (dt. 1974) neuen Kapitel, sowie Rogers 1964a
Taschenbuchausgabe Frankfurt/M. (Fischer, Reihe »Geist und Psyche« Nr. 42320) 1989
1983b A visit to Credo Mutwa
in: Journey 2,4 (1983) 4f
= chapter in: Rogers / Sanford 1983, 41–50
1983c Human dimensions in medical education**
(manuscript) 1983
v. 1983a
1983d Carl Rogers speaks to Montessorians
in: The NAMTA Quarterly 8,4 (1983) 11–15
1983e I can't read!
in: Visualtek News, Summer (1983)
= (manuscript) 1982
One woman's fear of nuclear war. Demonstration Interview
(manuscript) 1983
[held in Germany, summer 1983]
1983g Letter regarding European trip
(manuscript) 1983 (9 pp.)
[written October 25, 1983]
[Dialogos con Carl Rogers]
in: Revista de Psichiatry y Psicologia Humanista, Mayo (1982)
[transcription of dialogue with workshop participants in Castelldefels, Spain, April 1982]
[I walk softly through life]
Interview with GERARD HAIGH
in: Voices: The Art and Science of Psychotherapy 18,4 (1983) 6–14
[Ein Abend mit Carl Rogers an der evang.–theolog. Fakultät in Wien am 3. April 1981]
in: AG der evang. Religionslehrer an AHS in Österreich, Personenzentriertes Arbeiten im Religionsunterricht — Schulfach Religion 1/2, 1983, 23–31
Transkript: Pawlowsky, Gerhard / Stipsits, Reinhold
v. V-1981b
1983k Answers and questions
(manuscript) 1983
[about a Cross–Cultural Wokshop; partly quoted in: McIdluff, Edward / Coghlan, David (eds.), The Person–Centered Approach and Cross–Cultural Communication. An International Review, vol. II, 59]
Carl Rogers with Denny. Therapeutic interview**
(manuscript) n. d. [C. R. Rogers Memorial Library]
v. tapes
Person–centered theory
in: Corsini, Raymond J. / Marsella, A. J. (eds.), Personality theories. Research and assessment, Itasca, IL (Peacock) 1983, 189–227
v. Rogers / Holdstock 1977
A journey to the heart of South Africa
(manuscript) 1983 (143 pp.)


1984a Letter [to the Carl Rogers Institute Of Training, Psychotherapy and Supervision]
in: The Carl Rogers Institute of Psychotherapy, Training and Supervision, La Jolla (1984)
1984b What it means to become a person
in: Annual edition: Personal growth and behavior, Guilford, CT (Dushkin) (1984)
v. 1956f
1984c Gloria — a historical note
in: Levant, Ronald F. / Shlien, John M. (eds.), Client–centered therapy and the person–centered approach. New directions in theory, research and practice, New York (Praeger) 1984, 423–425
v. 1974g, F-1965, V-1965
1984d Person–centered approach foundations
in: Corsini, R. (eds.), Encyclopedia of psychology, New York (John Wiley) 1984, 26–28
adapted from 1980a, chapter 6
1984e The new world person
in: Odyssey (South Africa) 8,2 (1984) 16–19
[A way of meeting life. An interview with Carl Rogers]
in: The Laughing Man, San Rafael (Dawn Horse Press) 5,2 (1984) 22–23 (Wednesday, May 4)
The Laughing Man Institute, 1020B Commonwealth Ave., Boston, MA, (617) 738.5522, postal address: P. O. Box 6, Auburndale, MA 02166
(available through The Dawn Horse Bookstore, 99 Mt. Auburn Street, Harvard Square, Cambridge, MA, (617) 864.0099)
also in: Renaissance Spring&Summer (2004) 18-21
partly also in: Harmann, Jan I., Unconditional confidence as a facilitative precondition, in: Lietaer, Germain / Rombauts, Jan / van Balen, Richard, Client–centered and experiential psychotherapy in the ninties, Löwen (Leuven University Press) 1990, 251–268, here 251, 266
in: Holistic Living News 7 (1984/1985)
[Sweetness of the struggle. Reframing "our" stories]
An interview with Carl Rogers by R. CAMIEL
(manuscript) 1984
[held in late 1976 or early 1977]
[Das aktuelle Interview: Carl Rogers, USA]**
Gesprächsführung: GABRIELE ZOUBEK
Psychologie in Österreich 4 (1984) 3-4 
1984j Building a person-centered approach to international disputes. A step in the practice of peace**
La Jolla (CSP) (manuscript) 1984
[proposal for what would become the Rust workshop]
[Carl Rogers: Reflections on his life]
in: Journal of Counseling and Development 63 (1984) 14–20
(gekürzt): [Carl Rogers: Betrachtungen über sein Leben] [Interview]
in: Zeitschrift für Personenzentrierte Psychologie und Psychotherapie 2 (1985) 207–213
[A conversation with Carl Rogers on educational change]
unpublished manuscript (University of Houston) 1984
Person–centered therapy
in: Corsini, Raymond J. (ed.), Current psychotherapies, Itasca, Ill. (F. E. Peacock) 31984, 142–195
v. Rogers/Meador 1973; Rogers / Raskin 1989
; Rogers / Raskin 2000
One alternative to nuclear planetary suicide
in: The Counseling Psychologist 12,2 (1984) 3–12
also in: Levant, Ronald F. / Shlien, John (eds.), Client–centered therapy and the person–centered approach. New directions in theory, research and practice, New York (Praeger) 1984, 400–422
also in: Peabody Journal of Education 61,3 (1984) 91–110
= (manuscript) 1984 (38 pp.)


1985a Toward a more human science of the person
in: Journal of Humanistic Psychology 25,4 (1985) 7–24
also in: Kirschenbaum, Howard / Land Henderson, Valerie (eds.), The Carl Rogers Reader, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1989, 279–295
= (manuscript) 1985 (29 pp.)
(gekürzt): Zu einer menschlicheren Wissenschaft des Menschen
in: Zeitschrift für Personenzentrierte Psychologie und Psychotherapie 1 (1986) 69–77
1985b Reaction to Gunnison's article on the similiarities between Erickson and Rogers
in: Journal of Counseling and Development 63,9 (1985) 565f
also in: Leva, Richard A. et al. (eds.), Psychotherapy: The listening voice. Rogers and Erickson, Muncie, IN (Accelerated Development, Inc.) 1985, 75-95**
[Le développement de la personne]**
Entretien avec C. Rogers, mené par H. Henneman
Le Journal des Psychologues 23 (1984/1985) 10-12
1985d Comment on Slack's article
in: Journal of Humanistic Psychology 25,2 (1985) 43f
[a response to the article: Slack, Sylvia, Reflections on a workshop with Carl Rogers, in: Journal of Humanistic Psychology 25,2 (1985) 35–42]
[Education for the 1980s and beyond]
An interview with Carl Rogers by EDWARD H. ROBINSON
in: Journal of Humanistic Education and Development 23,3 (1985) 98–110
1985f Remarks by Carl. The last day of the workhop
(manuscript) 1985 (5 pp.)
[Brasilia workshop, June 6 to 16, 1985]
Demonstration Interview im Rahmen des International Cross Cultural Communication Workshops in Dunlaoghaire, Irland
(Manuskript) 1985 (15 S)
[aufgenommen von June Ellis, 19. Juli 1985]
abstract also in: Brodley, Barbara T., Client–centered and experiential: Two different therapies, in: Lietaer, Germain / Rombauts, Jan / van Balen, Richard, Client–centered and experiential psychotherapy in the nienties, Löwen (Leuven University Press) 1990, 87–107, here 97
cf. a. in: Person–Centered Journal 1,2 (1994) 79ff
1985h A letter from Rust, Austria [regarding the conference "The Central American Challenge", Rust, Austria, November 1–4, 1985]
(manuscript) 1985
v. 1986d
Interactions with Fernando, Brasilia Workshop
(manuscript), June 1985 (7 pp.)
1985j Notes on the Dublin Workshop on Inter–Cultural Communication, July 14–20, 1985
(manuscript) 1985 (9 pp.)
[The peacemakers]
Interview in: Wholistic Living News 7,3 (1984/85) (1 p.)
Client–centered psychotherapy**
in: Kaplan, Harold I. / Sadock, Benjamin J. (eds.), Comprehensive textbook of psychiatry, IV, Vol. 2, Baltimore (Williams and Wilkins) 41985, 1374–1388
includes the cases of | enthält die Falldarstellungen: Elly, Pat, Michael, Shaila, Susan
v. 1967d, 1975e, 1980b, Rogers / Sanford 1989
also in: Kaplan, Harold I. / Sadock, Benjamin J. (eds.), Comprehensive textbook of psychiatry, V, Baltimore (Williams and Wilkins) 1988, 1482–1501
(teilweise — v. die Zusätze und den Anhang) in: Klientenzentrierte Psychotherapie, in: Rogers / Schmid 1991 [31998], 185–237
v. 1980b


1986a On the development of the person–centered approach. What is essential ...?
in: Person–Centered Review 1,3 (1986) 257–259
also Carl Rogers on the development of the Person-Centered Approach
in: Cain, David (ed.), Classics in the Person-Centered Approach, Ross-on-Wye (2002) 11-13
Was ist das Wesentliche? Über die Entwicklung des personenzentrierten Ansatzes
in: GwG–Zeitschrift 67 (1987) 47–48
auch in: GwG, 20 Jahre GwG, Köln (GwG) 1990, 53–55
auch in: Brennpunkt 46 (1991) 67f
1986b Commencement held May 14**
  (manuscript) New York (Teachers College, Columbia University) 14,2 (1986)
1986c The dilemmas of a South–African white
in: Person–Centered Review 1,1 (1986) 15–35
1986d The Rust Workshop: A personal overview
in: Journal of Humanistic Psychology 26,3 (1986) 23–45
[about the conference "The Central American Challenge", Rust, Austria, November 1–4, 1985]
v. 1985h

also The Rust Workshop
in: Kirschenbaum, Howard / Land Henderson, Valerie (eds.), The Carl Rogers Reader, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1989, 457–477
1986e Rogers, Kohut and Erickson. A personal perspective on some similiarities and differences
in: Person–Centered Review 1,2 (1986) 125–140
[talk, given at the Evolution of Psychotherapy Conference 1985, Phoenix, Arizona, Dec. 15]
v. 1987n (discussion); V-1985d
also in: Cain, David (ed.), Classics in the Person-Centered Approach, Ross-on-Wye (2002) 61-70
also in: Zeig, Jeffrey K. (ed.), Evolution of psychotherapy, New York (Brunner/Mazel) 1987
Rogers, Kohut und Erickson: Eine persönliche Betrachtung über einige Ähnlichkeiten und Unterschiede
in: Zeig, Jeffrey K. (Hg.), Psychotherapie. Entwicklungslinien und Geschichte, Tübingen (dgvt) 1991, 300–313
1986f A comment from Carl Rogers [to the new journal "Person–Centered Review"]
in: Person–Centered Review 1,1 (1986) 3–5
1986g Reflection of feelings
in: Person–Centered Review 1,4 (1986) 375–377

v. 1989i
also in: Cain, David (ed.), Classics in the Person-Centered Approach, Ross-on-Wye (2002) 13f

also in: Kirschenbaum, Howard / Land Henderson, Valerie (eds.), The Carl Rogers Reader, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1989, 127–129;
A client–centered / person–centered approach to therapy
in: Kutash, Irvin L. / Wolf, Alexander (eds.), Psychotherapist's casebook. Theory and technique in the practice of modern times, San Francisco (Jossey–Bass) 1986, 197–208
[includes the demonstration interview with Jan | enthält das Beratungsgespräch mit Jan]
v. tapes

also in: Kirschenbaum, Howard / Land Henderson, Valerie (eds.), The Carl Rogers Reader, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1989, 135–152
= (manuscript) 1986 (30 pp.)
Ein klientenzentrierter bzw. personzentrierter Ansatz in der Psychotherapie
in: Rogers / Schmid
1991 [31998], 238–256
1986i The interpersonal relationship
in: Painter / Vance, Brenda / Nichols / Horne / Birbilis (eds.), Human relations, (Ginn Press) 31986, 151–155
[adapted from 1962a, edited and condensed by Brenda Vance]
[The Rogers Interview]
[transcript of a workshop in Dublin, July 1985]
partly published in: Changes 4,4 (1986) 254–258
1986k Measuring the self and its changes. A forward step in research
manuscript 1986 (13 pp.)
[document prepared for and donated to The Humanistic Psychology Archives, University of California, Santa Barbara]
1986l Fostering creativity
manuscript 1986
Carl Rogers and client
(manuscript) 1986 (13 pp.)
[an interview, held in Esalen, 1983]
American politics and humanistic psychology
Dallas, TX (Saybrook) 1986
Politics and innocence. A humanistic debate. Rollo May, Carl Rogers, Abraham Maslow and other humanistic psychologists**
in: Rogers / May / Maslow 1986b
1986 & SANFORD, RUTH**
Reflections on our South African experience (January – February 1986)
in: Organization Development Journal 4,4 (1986) 8-10
also in: McIlduff, Edward / Coghlan, David, The person–centered approach and cross–cultural communication, vol. I, Linz (edition sandkorn) 1991, 87–90
= (manuscript) 1986 (4 pp.)
Reflexionen unserer Erfahrungen in Südafrika
in: Wascher, Werner / Frenzel, Peter (Hg.), Der Person–zentrierte Ansatz und multikulturelle Kommunikation. Ein internationaler Überblick, vol. III, Linz (edition sankorn) 1994, 41–47
also in: Counseling and Values [Special issue on Carl R. Rogers and the person–centered approach to peace] 32,1 (1987) 17–20
An experiment in self–determined fees
in: Estudos de psicologia 3,1 e 2 (1986) 5–22
= (manuscript) 1975 (14 pp.)


1987a On reaching 85
in: Person–Centered Review 2,2 (1987) 150–152

also in: Kirschenbaum, Howard / Land Henderson, Valerie (eds.), The Carl Rogers Reader, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1989, 56–58
1987b Comment on Shlien's Article "A countertheory of transference" [*]
in: Person–Centered Review 2,2 (1987) 182–188
[* in: Levant, Ronald F. / Shlien, John M. (eds.), Client–centered therapy and the person–centered approach. New directions in theory, research and practice, New York (Praeger) 1984, 153–181; also in: Person–Centered Review 2,1 (1987) 15–49]
v. 1989i
also in: Cain, David (ed.), Classics in the Person-Centered Approach, Ross-on-Wye (2002) 453-456

= Transference
in: Kirschenbaum, Howard / Land Henderson, Valerie (eds.), The Carl Rogers Reader, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1989, 129–134
Kommentar zu Shliens Aufsatz [*]
in: Behr, Michael / Esser, Ulrich / Petermann, Franz / Pfeiffer, Wolfgang M. (Hg.), Jahrbuch fü
r personenzentrierte Psychologie und Psychotherapie, Bd. 2, Salzburg (Otto Müller) 1990, 75–81
[* Eine Gegentheorie zur Übertragung, in: ibid. 43–47]
1987c Client–centered? Person–centered?
in: Person–Centered Review 2,1 (1987) 11–13
1987d What areas of person–centered theory or practice require further research?
[contribution to Round Table Discussion], in: Person–Centered Review 2,2 (1987) 252
1987e [Writing person to person. Letters from Carl]
arranged by Barrett–Lennard, Godfrey T., in: The Ceshur Connection. Carl Rogers Memorial Issue, 2,1&2 (1987)
1987f Steps toward peace, 1948–1986. Tension reduction in theory and practice
in: Counseling and Values [Special issue on Carl R. Rogers and the person–centered approach to peace] 32,1 (1987) 12–16
1987g The underlying theory. Drawn from experience with individuals and groups
in: Counseling and Values [Special issue on Carl R. Rogers and the person–centered approach to peace] 32,1(1987) 38–46
[based on a presentation at the University of California, Irvine, on November 8, 1986]
1987h Inside the world of the soviet professional (with contribution by Ruth Sanford)
in: Journal of Humanistic Psychology 27,3 (1987) 277–304
also in: Counseling and Values [Special issue on Carl R. Rogers and the person–centered approach to peace] 32,1 (1987) 47–66
also in: Kirschenbaum, Howard / Land Henderson, Valerie (eds.), The Carl Rogers Reader, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1989, 478–501
= (manuscript) 1986 (20 pp.)
(gekürzt): In der Welt sowjetischer Akademiker
in: GwG–Zeitschrift 73, 35–41
1987i Comments on the issue of equality in psychotherapy
in: Journal of Humanistic Psychology 27,1 (1987) 38–40
[Brief notes on B. Burstow, "Humanistic psychotherapy and the issue of equality" and D. Brink "The issue of equality in the client–centered or person–centered approach", in: Journal of Humanistic Psychology 27,1 (1987)]
[On student–centered teaching]
Interview of Carl Rogers by ANGELIKA C. WAGNER on June 1, 1984 in La Jolla, California
in: Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Gesprächspsychotherapie (Hg.), Rogers und die Pädagogik. Theorieanspruch und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten des personenzentrierten Ansatzes in der Pädagogik, Weinheim (Juventa) 1987, 169–198
[Interview with Carl Rogers on the use of self in therapy]**
in: The Journal of Psychotherapy & the Family 3,1 (1987)
in: Baldwin, Michèle / Satir, Virginia (eds.), The use of self in therapy, New York (Haworth Press) 1987, 45–52
also in: Moodley, Roy / Lago, Colin / Talahite, Anissa (eds.), Carl Rogers counsels a black client. Race and culture in Person-Centred Counselling, Ross-on-Wye (PCCS Books) 2004, 253-260
Demonstration interview with Beate Hofmeister, with comment by Carl Rogers:
Hofmeister, Beate, Carl Rogers's influence on the birth of my children, in: Person–Centered Review 2,3 (1987) 315–328
1987m The person–centered approach
(manuscript) 1987 (45 pages)
partly quoted in: Bozarth, Jerold D., Person–centered facilitation, the community group and the development of the Person–Centered Association, in: Renaissance 8,2 (1991) 5f
1987n Questions and answers [to Rogers 1986e]
in: Zeig, Jeffrey K. (ed.), Evolution of psychotherapy, New York (Brunner/ Mazel) 1987
[discussion at the Evolution of Psychotherapy Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, Dec. 11–15, 1985]
Fragen und Antworten [zu Rogers 1986e]
in: Zeig, Jeffrey K. (Hg.), Psychotherapie. Entwicklungslinien und Geschichte, Tübingen (dgvt) 1991, 332–336
[An interview with Carl R. Rogers. Toward peaceful solutions to human conflict. Part I.]
in: Michigan Journal of Counseling and Development 18,1 (1987) 58–63
[interview on May 2, 1986]
part II: v. 1989c
partly quoted in: Person–Centered Review 2,3 (1987) 434–436
1987p Journal of South–African trip. January 14 – March 1, 1986
in: Counseling and Values [Special issue on Carl R. Rogers and the person–centered approach to peace] 32,1 (1987) 21–37
= Journal of South–African trip. January 14 – March 1, 1986. A personal communication to family and friends
(manuscript) 1986
The potential contribution of the behavioral scientist to world peace
in: Counseling and Values [Special issue on Carl R. Rogers and the person–centered approach to peace] 32,1 (1987) 10f
1987 & WHITELEY, J. M. et al.
Special issue on Carl R. Rogers and the person–centered approach to peace
in: Counseling and Values 32,1 (1987) 2–66


1988a Resolving intercultural tensions. A beginning
(manuscript) 1988 (66 pp.)
v. 1977a, chapter 7; 1989m
[Conversations with Carl Rogers. In–depth training program Port Jefferson, NY, September 1981]
in: Rennaissance 5,3–4 (1988) 7

[Über nicht–direktive und humanistische Ansätze in Therapie, Pädagogik und Organisationen. Interview mit Carl Rogers]
in: Gerhard Fatzer, Ganzheitliches Lernen. Humanistische Pädagogik und Organisationsentwicklung, Paderborn (Junfermann) 21988, 237–249
A dialogue with Carl Rogers. Cross cultural challenges of faclitating person–centered groups in South Africa

in: Journal for Specialists in Group Work 13,2 (1988) 62–69


What I learned from two research studies
in: Kirschenbaum, Howard / Land Henderson, Valerie (eds.), The Carl Rogers Reader, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1989, 203–211
= further edited version of: Oral History Project, Archives of Humanistic Psychology, UCS, April 1986 [interview transcript, edited by Carl Rogers]
1989b The case of Mrs. Oak
in: Wedding, D. / Corsini, Raymond J. (eds.), Case studies in psychotherapy, Itasca (Peacock) 1989, 63–85
v. 1951d, 1953c
[An interview with Carl R. Rogers. Toward peaceful solutions to human conflict. Part II]
in: Michigan Journal of Counseling and Development Summer (1989) 2–7 (interview on May 2, 1986)
part I: v. 1987o
[An interview with Carl Rogers]
in: Person–Centered Review 4,1 (1989) 99–112
1989e My own marriage
in: Kirschenbaum, Howard / Land Henderson, Valerie (eds.), The Carl Rogers Reader, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1989, 29–37
= 1972a, 21–30 (section of chapter 1)
1989f A newer psychotherapy
in: Kirschenbaum, Howard / Land Henderson, Valerie (eds.), The Carl Rogers Reader, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1989, 63–77
= 1942a, 30–45 (section of chapter 2)
v. 1940b
1989g The directive versus the nondirective approach
in: Kirschenbaum, Howard / Land Henderson, Valerie (eds.), The Carl Rogers Reader, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1989, 77–87
= 1942a, 118–128 (section of chapter 5)
1989h The case of Herbert Bryan
in: Kirschenbaum, Howard / Land Henderson, Valerie (eds.), The Carl Rogers Reader, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1989, 88–108
= 1942a, 118–128 (section of part IV: first interview)
1989i Reflections of feelings and transference
in: Kirschenbaum, Howard / Land Henderson, Valerie (eds.), The Carl Rogers Reader, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1989, 127–134
= 1986g +1987b
1989j Shall we get married?
in: Kirschenbaum, Howard / Land Henderson, Valerie (eds.), The Carl Rogers Reader, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1989, 186–197;
= 1972a, 9–21 (section of chapter 1)
1989k Can I be a facilitative person in a group?
in: Kirschenbaum, Howard / Land Henderson, Valerie (eds.), The Carl Rogers Reader, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1989, 339–357
= 1970a, 43–59, 64–68 (section of chapter 2)
v. 1971a

The politics of the helping professions
in: Kirschenbaum, Howard / Land Henderson, Valerie (eds.), The Carl Rogers Reader, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1989, 376–395
= chapter 1 of 1977a
1989m Resolving intercultural tensions
in: Kirschenbaum, Howard / Land Henderson, Valerie (eds.), The Carl Rogers Reader, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1989, 438–445
= excerpted from chapter 7 of 1977a
v. 1988a
in: Kirschenbaum, Howard / Land Henderson, Valerie (eds.), Carl Rogers: Dialogues, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1989, 176–201
[the dialogue took place on May 28, 1975 at the College of Marin in Kentfield, California]
v. V-1975, tapes
Person–centered therapy
in: Corsini, Raymond J. / Wedding, D. (eds.) Current psychotherapies, Itasca, Ill. (Peacock) 41989, 155–194
v. Rogers / Meador 1973, Rogers / Meador 1984
; Rogers / Raskin 2000
also in: Raskin, Nathaniel J., Contributions to Client-Centered Therapy and the Person-Centered Approach, Ross-on-Wye (PCCS) 2004, 245-289
Client–centered psychotherapy**
in: Kaplan, Harold I. / Sadock, Benjamin J. (eds.), Comprehensive textbook of psychiatry, V, Vol. 2, Baltimore (Williams and Wilkins) 51989, 1482–1501
includes the cases of | enthält die Falldarstellungen: Elly, Pat,
Michael, Shaila, Dave
v. 1967d, 1975e, 1980b, Rogers / Sanford 1985
A dialogue on education and the control of human behavior
in: Kirschenbaum, Howard / Land Henderson, Valerie (eds.), Carl Rogers: Dialogues, Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1989, 79–152
[= transcript of 6 cassettes from the dialogue on June 11 and 12, 1962 in Duluth, edited by Gerald A. Gladstein, with brochure, New York (Jeffrey Norton) 1976]
v. Rogers/Skinner 1956, tapes


Kirschenbaum, Howard / Land Henderson, Valerie (eds.), The Carl Rogers Reader
Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1989
(526 pp.)
[also: London (Constable) 1990]
contents | Inhalt: 1942e, 1955b, 1957a, 1957b, 1957c, 1957d, 1958a, 1959a, 1960b, 1961c, 1964b, 1967f, 1968c, 1973a, 1977e, 1978d, 1980e, 1982a, 1985a, 1986d, 1986g, 1986h, 1987a, 1987b, 1987h, 1989a, together with parts of 1942a, 1970a, 1972a, 1977a
(edition with comments)
Kirschenbaum, Howard / Land Henderson, Valerie (eds.), Carl Rogers: Dialogues
Boston (Houghton Mifflin) 1989
(255 pp.)
[also: London (Constable) 1990]
contents | Inhalt: 1956e, 1958e, 1959c, 1959h, 1981d, 1982f, Rogers / Buber 1960, Rogers / Tillich 1966, Rogers / Skinner 1989, Rogers / Polanyi 1966, Rogers / Bateson 1989

(edition with comments)


1991 An open letter to participants of European workshops
in: McIlduff, Edward / Coghlan, David, The person–centered approach and cross–cultural communication, Vol. I, Linz (edition sandkorn) 1991, 11–13
[written April 1986]
Person–zentriert. Grundlagen von Theorie und Praxis. Mit einem kommentierten Beratungsgespräch von Carl Rogers
Mainz (Grünewald) 1991 (296 S.); 2. erweiterte und aktualisierte Auflage 1995; 3. Auflage 1998; 4. Auflage 2000; 5. Auflage 2004
contributions by Rogers | Beiträge von Rogers: 1957a, 1980b, 1986h, Rogers / Tillich 1966 (kommentierte Ausgabe)


1992a The best school of therapy is the one you develop for yourself. Lecture and discussion with psychotherapists in Vienna
(manuscript) 1992 (10 pp.)
[lecture and discussion at the University of Vienna, April 2, 1981]
v. V-1981a
Die beste Therapieschule ist die selbst entwickelte. Wodurch unterscheidet sich die Personzentrierte Psychotherapie von anderen Ansätzen?
in: Frenzel, Peter / Schmid, Peter F. / Winkler, Marietta, Handbuch Personzentrierte Psychotherapie, Köln (Edition Humanistische Psychologie) 1992, 21–38
[Questions to Carl Rogers / Questions à Carl Rogers]
in: Le Journal du PCAII, France, mai (1992) 10–27 (English and French)
[1983 interaction: questions distributed to Carl Rogers and his responses]
Philosophical issues of the phenomenological and existential approaches

in: Miller, Ronald B. (ed.), The restauration of dialogue. Readings in the philosophy of clinical psychology, Washington (American Psychological Association) 1989, 241–339
v. 1951d


1993 A message from Carl Rogers
in: McIlduff, Edward / Coghlan, David (eds.), The Person–Centered Approach and Cross–Cultural Communication. An International Review, vol. II, 13–20
[taped 1974]



Freedom to learn. Third edition
New York (Macmillan) 1994 (xxv + 406 pp.)
newly developed by Freiberg: chapters 1, 6, 12, 13, 17, appendix; largely retained from Rogers 1983a: chapters 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, 14; revised from Rogers 1983a including new examples, cases, and updated research: chapters 2, 3, 9, 10, 15, 16, 18
further details v. Rogers 1969a, 1983a
synopsis of chapters
Learning: what kind?

Why do kids love school?
The challenge of present–day teaching
As a teacher, can I be myself?
A sixth grade teacher experiments
A college professor gives freedom within limits
My way of facilitating a class
A French teacher grows with her students
An unusual science course in a university
Administrators as facilitators
Other facilitators of freedom
The interpersonal relationship in the facilitating of learning
Becoming a facilitator
Methods of building freedom
Ways of building freedom
Developing person–centered teachers
The politics of education
Personal thoughts on teaching and learning
Regarding learning and its facilitation
Current assumptions in graduate education: a passionate statement
A revolutionary program for graduate education
Some thoughts about educational administration
Is there discipline in person–centered classrooms?
Researching person–centered issues in education
A pattern of failure
Being in relationship
A modern approach to the valuing process
Freedom and commitment
The goal: fully functioning person
A plan for self–directed change in an educational system
Transforming schools: a person–centered perspective
Some reflections
Resources for change: a learning community
Self–directed educational change in action


1995 What understanding and acceptance mean to me
in: Journal of Humanistic Psychology 35,4 (1995) 7–22
[transcript of talk given at the 12th annual conference of the Illinois Guidance and Personnel Association in Urbana, Illinois, October 6, 1956]


1996 (Ed.),
Carl Rogers. Student-centered learning**

Project Innovation, a monograph to 'Education', 1996


1997a On anger and hurt
SGGT 1997
transcript of F-1977b
Carl Rogers with Richie. Living Now Institute, July 1986**
SGGT 1997
Demonstration interview; transcript of V-1983b


Person–centered therapy
in: Corsini, Raymond J. / Wedding, D. (eds.) Current psychotherapies, Itasca, Ill. (Peacock) 62000

v. Rogers / Meador 1973, Rogers / Meador 1984; Rogers / Raskin 1989


Diary of my trip to China
partly published in: Rogers/Russel 2002, 62-70
[written 1922]
v. The China diary, 1922

also in: Carl Rogers: A daughter's tribute
CD-ROM (Mindgarden Media) 2002

Carl Rogers, the quiet revolutionary. An oral history

Roseville, CA (Penmarin Books) 2002
recording in 1985


2004a Carl Rogers on multicultural counselling. Excerpts from letters from Carl Rogers to Jean Clark, 1979-1983**
in: Moodley, Roy / Lago, Colin / Talahite, Anissa (Eds.), Carl Rogers counsels a black client. Race and culture in Person-Centred Counselling, Ross-on-Wye (PCCS Books) 2004, 261-265
v. Rogers / Meador 1973, Rogers / Meador 1984; Rogers / Raskin 1989
Carl Rogers therapy demonstration with Alfons
(manuscript) 2004 (23 pp.)
v. V-1981a
Carl Rogers therapy demonstration with Irene
(manuscript) 2004 (37 pp.)
v. V-1981d


Significant aspects of client-centered therapy. (A psychology classic)
David Webb (Ed.),, printed by Amazon Distribution, Leipzig, Germany, ISBN 9781482768602
contains | enthält: Rogers 1940a, 1944b, 1946c


2014a A dialogue between Carl Rogers and Harald Lyon [on person-centered freedom]
in: Rogers/Lyon/Tausch 2014, 9-12
2014b A dialogue between Carl Rogers and Harald Lyon [on person-centered learning and teaching]
in: Rogers/Lyon/Tausch 2014, 59-66
2014c A dialogue between Carl Rogers and Harald Lyon [on person-centered methods]
in: Rogers/Lyon/Tausch 2014, 83-86
2014d A dialogue between Carl Rogers and Harald Lyon [on philosophical considerations for person-centered education]
in: Rogers/Lyon/Tausch 2014, 149-153
2014e A final dialogue [between Carl Rogers and Harald Lyon]
in: Rogers/Lyon/Tausch 2014, 189-192
2014f The man of tomorrow
in: Rogers/Lyon/Tausch 2014, 13-29
[transcript of speech given to the Washington, DC community, February 22, 1978]
2014g Listening and being listened to
in: Rogers/Lyon/Tausch 2014, 67-76

[transcript of speech given to the American Personnel and Guidance Association, n.d., "modified"]

On becoming an effective teacher. Person-centered teaching, psychology, philosophy and dialogues with Carl Rogers and Harald Lyon

London (Routledge) 2014

no date | ohne Jahr

n.d. a Interview with Mike
(manuscript) n. d. (14 pp.)
[available at Carl Rogers Memorial Library]
v. tapes
n.d. b Two interviews with Mr. Vac
University of Wisconsin, n. d. (10 pp.)
v. 1975e, 1980b, Rogers / Gendlin / Kiesler / Truax 1967, tapes
n.d. c Carl Rogers on tape. Some basic views
Chicago (Instructional Dynamics, Inc.), n. d.
[transcripts of 5 lectures, given over a period of twelve years]
v. tapes
n.d. d At the heart of the South African struggle**
(manuscript) n. d. [C. R. Rogers Memorial Library]
n.d. e Research in psychotherapy. A look toward the future**
(manuscript) n. d. [C. R. Rogers Memorial Library]
v. 1948c
n.d. f
Carl Rogers with "Mary Witch". A demonstration interview**
(manuscript) n. d. [C. R. Rogers Memorial Library]
n.d. g Carl Rogers with "Mr. Lin"**
(manuscript) n. d. [C. R. Rogers Memorial Library]
Transcription of cassette tape
v. F-1955a; tapes
n.d. h
Carl Rogers with "Mr. P. S.", a young woman**
(manuscript) n. d. [C. R. Rogers Memorial Library]
demonstration interview
v. tapes
n.d. i
Carl Rogers with "Phyllis". A demonstration interview**
(manuscript) n. d. [C. R. Rogers Memorial Library]
n.d. j Carl Rogers with Dadisi**
(manuscript) n. d. [C. R. Rogers Memorial Library]
n.d. k Do I want to belong to an institution?**
(manuscript) n. d. [Library of Congress]
Will ich (zu) einer Institution gehören?**
in: person-zentriert 11 (2002) 24-28
n.d. l Carl Rogers with Louise (Tess, formerly)**
(manuscript) Interview with Louise (Tess, formerly) n. d. [C. R. Rogers Memorial Library]
with comments after the session
n.d. m
Carl Rogers with male participants Living Now Workshop**
(manuscript) n. d. [C. R. Rogers Memorial Library]
Demonstration interview
n.d. n
Carl Rogers with Phillippe. A demonstration interview**
(manuscript) n. d. [C. R. Rogers Memorial Library]
v. V-1981g

More manuscripts: see films, videos, audio tapes

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The remarks indicate the distributors.
Die Angaben beziehen sich auf den Verleih.

As video cassettes also available from | Als Videokassetten auch erhältlich von:
<d> GwG     <s> SGGT   <c> American Counseling Association
v. videos

F-1955a & SEGEL, REUBEN H.
Client–centered therapy. Part I: Psychotherapy begins. The case of Mr. Lin
16mm, 1955, Psychological Cinema Register <s> 
v. tapes; n.d. g
Client–centered therapy. Part II: Psychotherapy in process. The case of Miss Mun
16mm, 1955, Psychological Cinema Register <s>
University of California - Santa Barbara Davidson Library, Department of Special Collections

v. 1955g, V-n.d. g, tapes
F-1958 Miss Fas**
ca. 1958, edited, three sessions, 
F-1960a Psychotherapy. The counselor
16mm, 1960, University of Wisconsin (Bureau of Audio–Visual–Aids) <s>
SGGT video tape = F-1960a + F-1960b
F-1960b Psychotherapy. The Client
16mm, 1960, University of Wisconsin (Bureau of Audio–Visual–Aids) <s>
SGGT video tape = F-1960a + F-1960b
F-1965 Client–centered therapy, Film no. 1
in: Shostrom, Everett (ed.), Three approaches to psychotherapy [I]. A therapeutic interview with Gloria with explanatory comments, 16mm, color or b/w, 1965, Psychological Films, Inc. <d><s>
v. 1974g, F–1965, V-1965
in: Kugemann, W. F. (Hg.), Begleitheft zum Film: Die Kraft des Guten, Erlangen (Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg) 1990
F-1966 Some personal learnings about interpersonal relationships
(developed by Charles K. Ferguson, UCLA Extension Division), 33min., 16mm, b/w, 1966, UCLA Extension Media Center
transcript: 1969g
& McGAW, WILLIAM H., Jr.**
Journey into self
47min., 16mm, 1968, UCLA Extension Media Center <s>

University of California - Santa Barbara Davidson Library, Department of Special Collections

also available: Learning Resources Corporation
also available: Western Behavioral Sciences Institute (La Jolla)
also availabe: Video VHS, Center for Studies of the Person (La Jolla)

[Encounter group facilitated by Carl Rogers and Richard Farson; winner of an Oscar in 1969]
A conversation with Carl Rogers
(interview By Keith Berwick)
two 30 min. films, 16mm, b/w, 1969, Film Center
also available: CSP
transcript: 1970g; v. V-1983a
Discussion with Dr. Carl Rogers
two 16mm films, color, in the series: Notable contributors to psychology of personality (made under the supervision of Dr. Richard Evans), 1970, CCM Films, Inc.
v. 1976d
Because that's my way**
60 min., color, (produced by Station WQED, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) 1971, Great Plains Instructional Television Library (University of Nebraska, Lincoln) <s>
[An encounter group of drug users, non–users, and a narcotics agent facilitated by Carl Rogers and Anthony Rose]
F-1972 Carl Rogers on facilitating a group
30 min., 16mm, color, 1972, APGA <d><s><c>
v. tapes
F-1973a Carl Rogers on education. Parts I & II
two 30min. films, 16mm, color, 1973, APGA
F-1973b Carl Rogers on marriage. Persons as partners
28min., 16mm, color, 1973, APGA <c>
F-1973c Carl Rogers on marriage. An interview with Nancy and John
color, 1973, APGA
F-1973d Carl Rogers on marriage. An interview with Hal and Jane
color, 1973, APGA
F-1973e Carl Rogers on marriage. An interview with Bob and Carol
color, 1973, APGA
F-1973f Carl Rogers on marriage. An interview with Jane and Jerry
color, 1973, APGA
The steel shutter
85min., 16mm, 1973, CSP

University of California - Santa Barbara Davidson Library, Department of Special Collections

[Encounter among Protestants and Catholics from Northern Ireland, facilitated by Carl Rogers and Pat Rice]
F-1974a Carl Rogers: Humanistic innovation in education
1974, APGA
F-1974b Carl Rogers on empathy. Parts I & II
two 25min. films, color, 1974, APGA <c>
F-1975 Client–centered therapy. Part 1
in: Shostrom, Everett, ed., Three approaches to psychotherapy II, 16mm, color 1975, Psychological Films, Inc. <s>
[demonstration interview with Kathy]
partly transcribed in: Bozarth, Jerold D., Beyond reflection: Emergent modes of empathy, in: Levant, Ronald F. / Shlien, John M. (eds.), Client–centered therapy and the person–centered approach. New directions in theory, research and practice, New (York) Praeger 1984, 59–75, here 64–65
F-1976 Reflections: With Carl Rogers and Warren Bennis
59min., 16mm, color, or video, 1976, APGA
also available: Psychological Films
also available: Psychological Cinema Register
F-1977a Carl Rogers counsels an individual, I: The right to be desperate
two 30min. films, 1977, APGA <d><s>
SGGT video tape = F-1977a +F-1977b
Summary in: Moodley, Roy / Lago, Colin / Talahite, Anissa (Eds.), Carl Rogers counsels a black client. Race and culture in Person-Centred Counselling, Ross-on-Wye (PCCS Books) 2004, 1-8
F-1977b Carl Rogers counsels an individual, II: On anger and hurt
two 30min. films, 1977, APGA <d><s>
partly transcribed in: Rogers 1980b
SGGT video tape = F-1977a + F-1977b
v. 1997a
Summary in: Moodley, Roy / Lago, Colin / Talahite, Anissa (Eds.), Carl Rogers counsels a black client. Race and culture in Person-Centred Counselling, Ross-on-Wye (PCCS Books) 2004, 9-16
F-n.d. a Carl Rogers conducts an encounter group
70min. (2 reels), 16mm, color, n. d., APGA <c>
v. tapes
F-n.d. b The inner world of counseling. Session 1
240 min., 16mm, color, n.d., APGA <c>
F-n.d. c The struggle for self–acceptance. Session 2
240 min. 16mm, color, n.d., APGA
v. V-1976

Addresses | Adressen:

American Counseling Association:
American Personnel and Guidance Association, Film Departement, 1607 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20009, USA
CCM Films, Inc.: 600 Grand Avenue, Ridgefield, New Jersey 07657, USA
CSP: Center for Studies of the Person, 1125 Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, California 92037, USA
Film Center: 189 North Wheeler Street, Orange, California 92669, USA
Learning Resources Corporation: 7594 Eads Avenue, La Jolla, California 92037, USA
Psychological Cinema Register: Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802, USA
Psychological Films, Inc.: 110 North Wheeler Street, Orange, California 92669, USA
UCLA Extension Media Center: Berkeley, California 94720, USA

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v. also | s. auch:
Films with | Filme mit <d> or | oder <s>

V-1965   Client–centered therapy, Three approaches to psychotherapy [I]. A therapeutic interview with Gloria
available from | entlehnbar bei der SGGT
= F-1965
v. 1974g
Interview mit Gloria
deutsche Übersetzung, VHS, n. d., GwG
V-1974   Do we need "a" reality**
AHP, 1974, 76 min
v. 1978d, tapes

1975, 90 min.
available from | entlehnbar bei C. R. Rogers Memorial Library
v. Rogers/Bateson 1989, tapes
  The struggle for self–acceptance. Gespräch mit Sylvia [in La Jolla]**
2 Teile (2 x 20 min.)
VHS, 1976
available from | entlehnbar bei GwG, C. R. Rogers Memorial Library
v. F-n.d. c
Sylvia Slack is not identical with Sylvia in V-1982i
  also: Struggle for acceptance. Interview with Sylvia**
1976, 90 min
available from | entlehnbar bei C. R. Rogers Memorial Library
  also: Struggle for acceptance. Interview with Sylvia**
1976, Copy, 60 min
available from | entlehnbar bei C. R. Rogers Memorial Library
V-1977a   "Fishbowl" encounter in Brazil**
VHS, 1977, 80 min.

available from | entlehnbar bei CSP
Maria Bowen facilitates 40 min. in Portuguese; commentary in English and Portuguese by Rogers, Jack Bowen, John K. Wood, Rachel Rosenberg, Maureen O'Hara]
V-1977b   Intro and part of talk**
60 min, 1977
available from | entlehnbar bei C. R. Rogers Memorial Library
V-1977c   Interview with Cathy**
1977, 132 min
available from | entlehnbar bei C. R. Rogers Memorial Library
V-1978a   Interview with Carl Rogers in the Madrid workshop
by Schlecht, P. / Borlinghaus, H.

available from | entlehnbar bei University of Amsterdam, Video Dept., PDI
V-1978b   Neue Wege zu uns selbst
copy: University of Amsterdam, Pedagogical Departement, Video Dpt.

[Videoaufnahme über das Workshop in Madrid für das deutsche Fernsehen]
V-1978c   Carl Rogers at the Living Now Workshop**
2 tapes, 1978

available from | entlehnbar bei C. R. Rogers Memorial Library
V-1979a   Interview with Iris Fodor**
1979, 2 tapes(?): 92 + 66 min.
June 29, 1979
available from | entlehnbar bei C. R. Rogers Memorial Library
Ripples in time**
1979, 4 tapes, 60 min.
available from | entlehnbar bei C. R. Rogers Memorial Library
V-1980a   Carl Rogers supervises Dr. Hackney**
VHS, 1980, 60 min.

available from | entlehnbar bei CSP
[supervision interview + discussion about the process of supervision]
  Interview with Ursula. With discussion**
2 tapes, 1978

available from | entlehnbar bei C. R. Rogers Memorial Library
v. 1980n
Carl Rogers in Österreich 1981. Vortrag, Diskussion und Demonstration Interview (Beratungsgespräch) und Diskussion mit Psychotherapeuten
VHS, 1981, APG
v. 1992a; V-2004b
V-1981b Carl Rogers In Österreich 1981. Gespräch mit evangelischen und katholischen Theologen
VHS, 1981, APG
v. 1983j
V-1981c Carl Rogers in Österreich 1981. Vortrag und Diskussion an der Universität Wien
VHS, 1981, APG
v. 1979a
Carl Rogers in Österreich 1981. Demonstration Interview (Beratungsgespräch) beim La Jolla Programm in Salzburg 1981
VHS, 1981, APG
v. V-2004c
V-1981e Carl Rogers in Österreich 1981. Diskussion über personzentrierte Theorie mit Carl Rogers beim La Jolla Programm in Salzburg 1981
mit deutscher Übersetzung, VHS, 1981, APG
v. 1981f
  Carl Rogers interviewed by Karlpeter Breuer and Gintz Kretzer**
VHS, 1981, 90 min
available from | entlehnbar bei CSP

[overview of Rogers' thinking; topics: development of core conditions, client-centered vs. person-centered, facilitating, cross-cultural encounter, educations, values, science, community vs. mass]
  Carl Rogers interviews Philippe [Phillip]
VHS, 1981, 45 min.
available from | entlehnbar bei CSP    °

[Phillip wants to get mature]

v. n.d. n 
  also: Interview with Phillipe de Rycke**
1981, 90 min
available from | entlehnbar bei C. R. Rogers Memorial Library
V-1981h   Community based block**
2 tapes à 90 min., 1981

available from | entlehnbar bei C. R. Rogers Memorial Library
V-1981i   New World - new person**
90 min, 22 Feb 1981
available from | entlehnbar bei C. R. Rogers Memorial Library
v. 1980h
V-1981j   Conference**
AHP 1981, 2 tapes à 90 min
available from | entlehnbar bei C. R. Rogers Memorial Library
V-1981k   Interview with Gary Null**
1981, 90 min
July 1, 1981
available from | entlehnbar bei C. R. Rogers Memorial Library
  Students at Sonoma Institution
Conversation with Carl Rogers**

1981, 62 min
Feb 26, 1981
available from | entlehnbar bei C. R. Rogers Memorial Library
V-1981m   CCT Workshop**
1981, 2 tapes
available from | entlehnbar bei C. R. Rogers Memorial Library
V-1981n   Human relations class**
1982+1982, 2 tapes
available from | entlehnbar bei C. R. Rogers Memorial Library
V-1982a   Ansichten eines Psychologen zum Atomkrieg. Rede von Carl Rogers im Kongresszentrum Hamburg
VHS, 1982, GwG
[on nuclear war]
v. 1982a
  Diskussion von Carl Rogers mit GwG–Ausbildern anlässlich eines Besuchs in Hamburg. Interview mit einer Klientin [Elisabeth]
= Carl Rogers in Hamburg
VHS, 1982, GwG
available also from | entlehnbar auch bei der SGGT
v. 1982c, 1982d
V-1982c   Carl Rogers at the Living Now Workshop**
2 tapes, 1982

available from | entlehnbar bei C. R. Rogers Memorial Library
  Interview with Marian**
Living Now Workshop, 1982

available from | entlehnbar bei C. R. Rogers Memorial Library
v. 1982k
V-1982e   Johannesburg, South Africa**
1982, 60 min
available from | entlehnbar bei C. R. Rogers Memorial Library
V-1982f   Dialogue**
1982, 90 min.
available from | entlehnbar bei C. R. Rogers Memorial Library
Living Now
1982, 6 tapes
available from | entlehnbar bei C. R. Rogers Memorial Library
V-1982h   & FERGUSON
Two humanists
1982, 4 tapes
Sept 10, 1982
available from | entlehnbar bei C. R. Rogers Memorial Library
2 sessions videotaped in Texas, March 1982, Texas Women's University
Sylvia is not identical with Sylvia Slack in V-1976
  At one with. An interview with Keith Berwick on NBC–TV**
VHS, 1983, 60 min.

available from | entlehnbar bei Carl Rogers Memorial Library, CSP, ÖGwG    °
[While interviewing Rogers the t.v. journalist agrees to talk about himself; topics: listening, the mystical in relationship]
v. F-1969
  Carl Rogers interviews Richie at the Living Now Workshop
VHS, 1983, 50 min., 2 tapes
available from | entlehnbar bei CSP, SGGT    °

[Fear of being a loser; 30 min. interview + 10 min. commentary + 10 min. questions]
v. 1997b
  Carl Rogers interviews a Japanese social worker
VHS, 1983, 45 min.
available from | entlehnbar bei CSP    °

[Japanese and English]
V-1983d   Therapie und Politik. Können wir mit den Problemen des Nuklear–Zeitalters umgehen?**
TV-Sendung v. 5. 10. 1983
VHS, 1983, GwG
V-1983e   Bridging differences**
available from | entlehnbar bei C. R. Rogers Memorial Library
V-1983f   Keynote address**
AHP, 1983, 90 min.
available from | entlehnbar bei  C. R. Rogers Memorial Library
  Interview with Jerome Freiberg**
1983, 2 tapes à 60 min
available from | entlehnbar bei C. R. Rogers Memorial Library
V-1984a Carl Rogers in Österreich 1984. Podiumsdiskussion [Panel discussion]
VHS, 1984, APG
V-1984b Carl Rogers in Österreich 1984. Workshop und Encountergruppe in Drosendorf
VHS, 1984, APG
V-1984c   Die Kraft des Guten. Klientenzentrierte Gesprächspsychotherapie mit Carl Rogers**
[aus der Reihe "Wege zum Menschen"]

Universität Erlangen, 1984
available from | entlehnbar bei ÖGwG, SGGT
[Rogers' Leben, Interview Meier, Therapiebeispiele, Gruppen, Menschenbild, Rogers über seine Auszeichnungen]
  Conversations with Carl Rogers**
O'Hara, Maureen / Lucas, Robert (producers)
2 tapes, VHS, 1984
#1. Origins: presence, power & authority
#2. Facilitating democratic group process
#3. Freedom (and responsibility) to learn
#4. Learning and loving
#5. The personal in the political
#6. Emergent relational consciousness

[six-part taped program of interviews and discussions: Maureen O'Hara interviewer, with Maria Bowen, Bob Lee, Michael Reed: Rogers with panel discussing the person–centered approach; overview of his work]
available from | entlehnbar bei CSP     °
  also: Talk on PCA
Jan 10, 1984
available from | entlehnbar bei C. R. Rogers Memorial Library
  Carl Rogers interviews a trainee at the C. R. Rogers Institute for Psychotherapy Training**
VHS, 1984, 60 + 30 min.

[60 min anout the Institute and the founding of CSP with Norm Chambers]
available from | entlehnbar bei CSP
V-1984f   Behind the iron curtain. Carl Rogers speaking about a Hungarian Workshop**
VHS, 1984, 75 min.
[talk + Gay Barfield speaking about the Carl Rogers Institute for Peace]
available from | entlehnbar bei CSP
V-1984g   HDME**
90 min, Feb 18, 1984
available from | entlehnbar bei C. R. Rogers Memorial Library
  Carl Rogers interviewing a client
PAL, 1985
[made at the 1985 Evolution of Psychotherapy Conference in Phoenix, Arizona]
[interview with Peter Ann, psychologist]

Description: v. Temaner Brodley, Barbara, in: Fifth Forum on the Person–Centered Approach, Book of Abstracts, Terschelling 1992
v. V-1985e
V-1985b   & BARFIELD, GAY
Empathy and exploration
VHS, 1985, 45 min.
available from | entlehnbar bei CSP, SGGT     °
V-1985c   & SANFORD, RUTH
Carl Rogers and Ruth Sanford converse with a conference audience
VHS, 1985, 60 min.
available from | entlehnbar bei CSP    °
The client–centered approach to therapy**
VHS, 1985, 165 min.
available from | entlehnbar bei CSP; C. R. Rogers Memorial Library (2 tapes à 90 min.)

[introductions, audience questions, client interview]
V-1985e   Client–centered therapy
video–cooperative–ruhr & Milton H. Erickson Foundation, VHS, 60 min., 1985/1995
[Evolution of Psychotherapy Conference 1985, Phoenix, Arizona, Dec. 15]
v. 1986e, 1987n (discussion), V-1985a
V-1985f   Athabasca University phone interview**
1985, 120 min
available from | entlehnbar bei C. R. Rogers Memorial Interview
V-1985g   Carl Rogers meets with a black client**
1985, re-edited 1999
Center for Studies of the Person

available from | entlehnbar bei CSP
  Walking softly through life
Videotaped interview of Carl Rogers by Warren Bennis
V-1986b   Carl Rogers speaking on peace in South Africa, Central America and the Camp David accords**
VHS, 1986, 90 min.
available from | entlehnbar bei CSP
[about workshops in South Africa 1981 & 1982, Rust, Camp David; at the Living Now Workshop]
  A conversation with Carl Rogers and Ronald Greenwood on "Communications and management"
available from | entlehnbar bei der SGGT
Beyond words. Evolutions of client–centered therapy in the eighties
Tape A: Rogers and Raskin

VHS, 60 min, 1986
Chicago Counseling Center 15th Anniversary Conference 1986
available from | entlehnbar bei CSP    °
  Carl Rogers interviews Steve
VHS, 1986, 75 min.
available from | entlehnbar bei CSP

[gender issues, power, connectedness and aliveness]
  "Is there another way?" Carl Rogers interviewed by Carole in South Africa**
VHS, 1986, 30 min
available from | entlehnbar bei CSP
[about violence, prejudice and peace work in large groups]
V-1986g   Carl Rogers' 85th birthday celebration**
VHS, 1986, 60 min
[moderated by Gay Barfield, John Vasconcellos and Harold Bloomfield]
available from | entlehnbar bei CSP
[last video made of Rogers, six weeks before his death; topics: recent work in the Soviet Union and South Africa]
V-1986h   Carl Rogers at the Living Now Workshop
2 tapes, 1986

available from | entlehnbar bei C. R. Rogers Memorial Library
V-1986i   Dealing with interracial and international tensions**
AHP 1986, 60 min.
available from | entlehnbar bei C. R. Rogers Memorial Library
  AHP Conversations. Tape 1**
AHP, 1986, 62 min.
available from | entlehnbar bei C. R. Rogers Memorial Library
V-1986k   & SHLIEN, JOHN M.

June 13, 1986
available from | entlehnbar bei C. R. Rogers Memorial Library
V-1986l   Symposium**
University of Chicago Law School Auditorium
available from | entlehnbar bei CSP, La Jolla
V-1993a   The heart of the matter and studies of the person**
AHP, 1993, 2 tapes: 90 + 60 min.
available from | entlehnbar bei C. R. Rogers Memorial Library
V-1993b   East–west PCA meeting**
2 tapes à 95 min., 1993
available from | entlehnbar bei C. R. Rogers Memorial Library
V-1995   Journey into community**
Lucas, Robert (producer)
VHS, 1995, 75 min.

available from | entlehnbar bei CSP    °

[about self and community, statements by 12 CSP members]
V-n.d. a   To be the self that one truly is**
n. d., 60 min.
available from | entlehnbar bei C. R. Rogers Memorial Library
v. 1960b
V-n.d. b   Humanistische Psychologie in der Behandlung psychischer Probleme
VHS, n. d.

available from | entlehnbar bei der GwG
V-n.d. c
  Interview with Carl Rogers
VHS, n. d.
available from | entlehnbar bei der GwG
V-n.d. d   Explorers of humankind**
n. d., 90 min.
available from | entlehnbar bei Carl R. Rogers Memorial Library
v. 1979c
V-n.d. e   The intensive group**
n. d., 60 min.
available from | entlehnbar bei C. R. Rogers Memorial Library]
v. Rogers 1969d, V-n.d. e
History of psychotherapy
n. d., 60 min
available from | entlehnbar bei C. R. Rogers Memorial Library
V-n.d. g
The case of Miss Mun**
n.d., 90 min.
available from | entlehnbar bei C. R. Rogers Memorial Library

v. 1955g, F-1955b, tapes
V-n.d. h
  Conversation hour with Ruth Sanford**
n. d., 90 min
available from | entlehnbar bei C. R. Rogers Memorial Library
V-n.d. i   Dialogue in Paris**
n . d., 2 tapes: 90 + 60 min.
available from | entlehnbar bei C. R. Rogers Memorial Library
V.-n.d. j   Dialogue on power**
n. d., 90 min
available from | entlehnbar bei C. R. Rogers Memorial Library
Six therapists
AAP n. d., 60 min.
available from | entlehnbar bei C. R. Rogers Memorial Library

Addresses | Adressen (video tapes):
APG: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Personenzentrierte Psychotherapie, Gesprächsführung und Supervision, Institut für Personzentrierte Studien (IPS), A–1030 Wien, Dißlergasse 5/4, Tel.: +43/1/7137796, Fax: 7187832
Carl Rogers Memorial Library, CSP: Center for Studies of the Person, 1125 Torrey Pines Road, LA Jolla, California 92037
GwG: Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Gesprächspsychotherapie, D–50508 Köln 1, Richard–Wagnerstr. 12; Fach 27 01 65; Tel.: +49/221/925908-0, Fax: 251276
ÖGwG: Österreichische Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche klientenzentrierte Psychotherapie und personorientierte Gesprächsführung, A–4020 Linz, Marienstr. 4; Tel./Fax: +49/732/784630
SGGT: Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Gesprächspsychotherapie und Personzentrierte Beratung, CH–8001 Zürich, Schoffelgasse 7; Tel.: +41/1/2516080, Fax: 2516084

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Several therapy sessions | diverse Therapiesitzungen
AAP (catalogue | Verzeichnis), among others |darunter:

The case of Loretta (Tape No. 1) [three interviews]
1958 at Mendota State Hospital, Madison, Wisconsin, meeting of APA
transcript: Interview with Loretta **

The case of Mr. Vac (Tape No. 3) [therapy interview]

partly published | teilweise abgedruckt in Rogers 1980b
v. 1975e, 1980b, n.d. b, Rogers/Gendlin/Kiesler/Truax 1967

Miss Mun (Tape No. 5) [17th therapy interview]

v. 1955g, F-1955b, V-n.d. g

Mr. Lin (Tape No. 6) [1st therapy interview]
v. F-1955a, n.d. g

Mike (Tape No. 7) [demonstration interview]
v. F-n.d. a

Mrs. P. S. (Tape No. 8)

v. n.d. h
Mrs. Roc**
tape, ca. 1955
Carl Rogers on tape. Some basic views
5 lectures incl. transcripts [given over a period of twelve years], IDI
v. n.d. c
Joan interview with Carl Rogers
tape, 1959 (Library of Congress Archives)
How to use encounter group concepts
26 30min. cassettes, IDI
Personal adjustment
10 30min. cassettes, IDI
[cassette 7 v. Rogers 1977a]
Carl Rogers in retrospect
6 lectures from 1961–1964, IDI
Carl Rogers at the La Jolla Program
several tapes, CSP
Education and the control of human behavior. Dialogue

1962, AAP (Tape No. 10)
[two hours selected from nine hours of dialogue]
v. Rogers / Skinner 1956
A dialogue on education and the control of human behavior
6 cassettes (Gladstein, Gerald A., ed.), with brochure, 1976, Jeffrey Norton
[from a dialogue from 1962 in Duluth, Minnesota]
v. Rogers/Skinner 1989
Carl Rogers on tape. Counseling as I see it
1970, Bell & Howell
The person of tomorrow
1971, Big Sur Recordings
v. 1969e
The emerging person, a new revolution
1974, Cognetics
[talk at AHP conference, incl. questions and answers]
v. 1975c
Do we need "a" reality?
1974, Cognetics
[talk at AHP conference]
v. 1978d, V-1974

90min., 1975, Big Sur Recordings
v. Rogers/Bateson 1989, V-1975
Carl Rogers at seventy
Interviewed by Ernst Kramer
AAP (Tape No. 84), 1975
Being yourself **
(Jeffrey Norton)
Carl Rogers's influence on the birth of my children**
Interview with Beate Hofmeister
taped July 1983,
transcript** not identical with 1987l
Denny and Carl Rogers **
Demonstration interview, Geneva, Switzerland
taped 25 9 1983,
= 1983i
Rogers/Gila demonstration. Interview on Sept. 28th, 1983**
Dialogue with Carl Rogers. Tape of a dialogue between Carl Rogers and participants in the Second International Forum on the Person-Centered Approach**
Norwich, England, July 1984
The intensive group**
v. Rogers 1969d, V-n.d. e
Interview with Jan**
South Africa, 1986,  (complete) transcript**
v. Rogers 1986h

More tapes available from | Weitere Bänder bei:
AAP Tape Library (American Academy of Psychotherapists), 1040 Woodcock Road, Orlando, Florida 32803 (catalogue | Verzeichnis)
Audio and video tapes of therapy and group sessions | Audio– und Videobänder von Therapie– und Gruppensitzungen:
Carl Rogers Memorial Library, 1125 Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, California 92037

Addresses | Adressen :
AAP: Academy of Psychotherapists, Tape Library, 6420 City Line Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19151
Big Sur Recordings: 2015 Bridgeway, Sausalito, California 94965
Cognetics, Inc.: P. O. Box 592, Saratoga, California 95070
CSP: Center for Studies of the Person, 1125 Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, California 92037
IDI: Instructional Dynamics, Inc., 450 East Ohio Street, Chicago, Illinois 60611
Jeffrey Norton: 145 E. 49th Street, New York, NY 10017

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Carl Rogers: A daughter's tribute **
Mindgarden Media, 2002 (

[contains texts, narrations, photos, audio and video clips

This CD is a remarkable resource. It provides fast, cross-referenced access to Rogers’ writings in chronological and thematic formats. It helps teachers organize and print course materials, and provides students with a research/study tool of chronological excerpts from Rogers’ 16 books which illustrate the development of his theories, practice and personal reflections. It includes a bibliography, as well as 120 photographs spanning his lifetime, award-winning, vintage video footage of counseling sessions and encounter groups, sections of his never before published China Diary written at age 20, and courtship/love letters to Helen.

v. titles marked with O

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Further information | Weitere Informationen

Carl Rogers Memorial Library (Center for Studies of the Person): 1125 Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, California 92037, USA
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Personenzentrierte Gesprächsführung, Psychotherapie und Supervision (APG), Institut für Personzentrierte Studien (IPS): A–1030 Wien, Dißlergasse 5/4, Tel. +43 1 7137796, Fax: +43 1 7187832
Person–Centered Association in Austria (PCA): c/o Institut für Psychologie, Universität Wien, A–1010 Vienna | Wien, Liebiggasse 5, Tel.: +43 1 812374646, Fax: 8124578

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