The Person-Centered Website
Tony Merry + August 22, 2004
Tony Merry 1948-2004
Tony Merry died August 22, 2004
of lung cancer.
An obituary by Pete Sanders can be found in
Person-Centered and
Experiential Psychotherapies 3,3 (2004) (English) and in
PERSON 2 (2004)
(German). Die deutsche
Übersetzung finden Sie auch hier.
Messages of condolence to
Jan Merry
The Old Post Office
(1986), Education. The humanistic challenge, in: Self and Society 4,6 (1986) 266–272
(1987), Cross–cultural communications workshops. A glimpse behind the curtain, in: Self and Society 15,3 (1987)
(1988), A guide to the person–centred approach, London (Association for Humanistic Psychology in Britain) 1988
(1990) Client–centred therapy. Some trends and some troubles, in: Counselling 1,1 (1990) 17f; also: Client–centred therapy. Trends and troubles, in: Palmer, Stephen / Dainow, Sheila / Milner, Pat (Eds.), Counselling. The BAC Counselling Reader, London (Sage) 1996, 507–511
(1990) PCA — Person–centred anything, in: Self and society 18,1 (1990) 35–37
(1991) Person–centered education, in: McIlduff, Edward / Coghlan, David (Hg.), The person–centered approach and cross–cultural communication: An international review, Volume I, Linz (sandkorn) 1991, 109–120
(1993), Off the shelf, in: McIlduff, Edward / Coghlan, David (1993), The person–centered approach and cross–cultural communication. An international review, vol. II, Linz (edition sandkorn) 1993, 123–131
(1995) (Ed.), Invitation to person-centred psychology, London (Whurr) 1995
(1996) An analysis of ten demonstration interviews by Carl Rogers. Implications for the training of client–centred counsellors, in: Hutterer, Robert / Pawlowsky, Gerhard / Schmid, Peter F. / Stipsits, Reinhold (Eds.), Client–Centered and Experiential Psychotherapy. A paradigm in motion, Frankfurt/M. (Peter Lang) 1996, 273–283; v. a. paper presented at the 3rd ICCCEP, Gmunden (manuscript) 1994; v. a. in: 3rd ICCCEP, Book of Abstracts, Gmunden 1994, 73
(1997) Counselling and creativity. An interview with Nathalie Rogers, in: British Journal of Guidance & Counselling 25 (1997) 263-273**
(1998) Client-centred therapy. Origins and influences, in: Person-centred Practice 7,1 (1999) 96-103
(1999) (Ed.), Learning and being in person-centred counselling, Llangarron, Ross-on-Wye (PCCS) 1999; 22002
(2000) (Ed.), Person-Centred Practice. The BAPCA Reader, Llangarron, Ross-on-Wye (PCCS Books) 2000
(2000) Can the core principles of person-centred counseling be described?, in: Merry, Tony (Ed.), Person-centred Practice. The BAPCA reader, Ross-on-Wye (PCCS Books) 2000, 16
(2000) Client-centred therapy: Origins and influences, in: Merry, Tony (Ed.), Person-centred practice. The BAPCA reader, Ross-on-Wye (PCCS Books) 2000, 17-24
(2000) On congruence, in: Merry, Tony (Ed.), Person-centred practice. The BAPCA reader, Ross-on-Wye (PCCS Books) 2000, 12-15
(2000) On connectedness – a humanistic, biological view, in: PCP, 8,1 (2000) 28-36
(2000) Responding to a serious misrepresentation of person-centred therapy, in: Merry, Tony (Ed.), Person-centred practice. The BAPCA reader, Ross-on-Wye (PCCS Books) 2000, 8-12
(2000) The sufficiency of the ‘core conditions’ and creative/expressive art methods, in: Merry, Tony (Ed.), Person-centred practice. The BAPCA reader, Ross-on-Wye (PCCS Books) 2000, 2-5
(2000) Unifying principles of the person-centred approach, in: Person-to-Person March (2000) 11f
(2000) You wouldn’t ask a roofer to fix your washing machine. In T. Merry (Ed.), Person-centred practice: The BAPCA reader (pp. 5-7). Ross-on-Wye: PCCS Books
(2001) Congruence and the supervision of client-centred therapists, in: Wyatt, Gill (Ed.), Rogers’ therapeutic conditions, Evolution, theory and practice. Vol. 1: Congruence, Ross-on-Wye (PCCS Books) 2001, 174-183
(2001) Psychotherapy at the edge of awareness, in: PCP 9, 1 (2001) 43-48
(2002) John M. Shlien 1918-2002, in: PCP 10,1 (2002) 1-3
(2002), Process work in Person-Centred Therapy by Richard Worsley – A review article, in: Person-Centred Practice 10,1 (2002) 49-55
(2003) Book review of: Mearns, Dave (Ed.), Developing person-centred counselling (Second edition), (Sage) 2003, in: Person-Centred Practice 11,1 (2003) 59f
(2003) On reading books. A book review essay, in: Person-Centred Practice 11,2 (2003) 100-102
(2003) The actualisation conundrum, in: Person-Centred Practice 11,2 (2003) 83-91
(2004) A response to ‘A radical departure’, in: Person-Centred Practice 12,1 (2004) 17-21
(2004) Classical client-centred therapy, in: Sanders, Pete (Ed.) (2004, The tribes of the person-centred nation. An Introduction to the schools of therapy related to the person-centred approach, Ross-on-Wye (PCCS) 2004, 21-44
(2004) Supervision as heuristic research inquiry, in: Tudor, Keith / Worrall Mike (2004), Freedom to practise. Person-centred approaches to supervision, Ross-on-Wye (PCCS) 2004, 189-199
BAUGHAN, RICHARD / MERRY, TONY (2001), Empathy: An evolutionary/biological perspective, in: Wyatt, Gill (2001) (Ed.), Rogers’ therapeutic conditions: evolution, theory and practice. Vol. 2: Empathy, Ross-on-Wye (PCCS) 2001, 230-239
BRODLEY, BARBARA TEMANER / MERRY, TONY (1995), Guidelines for student participants in person-centred peer groups, in: PCP 3,2 (1995) 17-22
FAIRHURST, IRENE / MERRY, TONY (1993), A Greek experience, in: Person–Centered Practice 1,2 (1993) 3–8
FAIRHURST, IRENE / MERRY, TONY (1999), Groupwork in client-centred counsellor training, in: Lago, Colin / MacMillan, Mhairi (Eds.), Experiences in relatedness. Groupwork and the person-centred approach, Ross-on-Wye (PCCS Books) 1999, 49-61
Haugh, Sheila / Merry, Tony (2001), Empathy in context: The joining of the streams, in: Wyatt, Gill (2001) (Ed.), Rogers’ therapeutic conditions: evolution, theory and practice, vol. 2: Empathy, Ross-on-Wye (PCCS) 2001, 240-249
Haugh, SHEILA, / Merry, TONY (2001) (Eds.), Empathy, Llangarron, Ross-on-Wye (PCCS books) 2001 [Series: Wyatt, Gill (Ed.), Rogers’ therapeutic conditions: evolution, theory and practice, vol. 2]
MERRY, TONY / BRODLEY, BARBARA T. (2002), The nondirective attitude in client-centered therapy: A response to Kahn, in: Journal of Humanistic Psychology 42,2 (2002) 66-77
MERRY, TONY / LUSTY, BOB (1993) (Eds.), What is person-centered therapy? A personal and practical guide, London (Gale Centre Books) 1993
TUDOR, KEITH / MERRY,TONY (2002), Dictionary of person-centred psychology, New York/London (Routledge) 2002
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