University of East Anglia

in association with the Norwich Centre



International conference

18th – 22nd July 2004

'The Spiritual Dimension in Therapy and Experiential Exploration: a conference for those counsellors, psychotherapists and other practitioners concerned to explore the significance of spirituality to their life and practice'

The word 'spirituality' seems these days to be on everyone's lips. It certainly no longer has its strict association with institutionalised religion. Attempts to define the word abound and most frequently it simply indicates an awareness of a transcendent dimension to human life. In the world of counselling and psychotherapy there has been a notable shift of attitude in the last decade. Whereas previously 'spiritual concerns' were not seen as part of the therapist's remit, and were often indeed pathologised, there is now an increasing willingness on the part of many therapists to engage with these issues and to regard them as a fundamental dimension in human experiencing. Much of this shift is client-led insofar as many clients today present overtly spiritual concerns to secular therapists.


It is against this background that this International Conference is being convened. The organisers are all therapists from the person-centred tradition where the place of spirituality is now hotly debated. The Conference, however, is open to all, including therapists, educators or religious practioners who believe that a full engagement with our emerging spirituality both as individuals and as a species may well be essential to the future of humankind.


Invited speakers include Daishin Morgan, Richard Holloway, Brian Thorne, Mia Leijssen, Andrew Samuels, Peter F. Schmid*,  Martin Van Kalmthout, Geshe Tashi Tsering, David & Caroline Brazier et al.


The Conference will be organised by Judy Moore, Campell Purton and Brian Thorne to whom any enquieries should be addressed at The Centre for Counselling Studies, UEA, Norwich, NR4 7TJ, England; tel. 44-1603 592651; e-mail: and




*Peter F. Schmid:

'In the beginning there is community: implication and challenge of the belief in a triune God and a person-centred approach'.


Post-conference website:

photographs of the opening reception, a selection of  post-conference reflections, details of the forthcoming conference book and details of a follow-up weekend organised by the Norwich Centre.  There is also the opportunity to engage in discussion with fellow delegates through the Discussion Board. 


Conference book:
Spirituality and Counselling: Experiential and Theoretical Perspectives, edited by Judy Moore and Campbell Purton (Ross-on-Wye: PCCS Books), 2006