Peter F. Schmid |
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Revised version of a keynote lecture given at the 6th PCE-Conference, Egmond aan Zee, July 9, 2003.
In rejecting intervention-centered psychotherapy Rogers advanced the
conception that ‘the essential conditions of psychotherapy exist in a single
configuration, even though the client may use them very differently’. Does this
conviction actually imply a refusal to differentiate or diagnose? From a
dialogical point of view therapists and clients are not only seen as being in
relationships; as persons they are relationships, which makes them different in
each therapeutic contact. Person-centered therapy, conceptualized as personal
encounter, implies not only co-experiencing but also co-reflecting on
experiences in the relationship. This epistemological paradigm change of PCT
results in a fundamental counter-position to traditional diagnosis and
classification: It is the client who defines the meaning of his/her experiencing
and thus ‘in-forms’ the therapist who is challenged to open up and risk the
co-creation of becoming a unique relationship. The paper develops criteria for a
genuinely person-centered conceptualization of different processes of
personality development.
Personalization, alienation, encounter,
acknowledgment, knowledge, process-specificity,
disorder-specificity, diagnosis.
Personalisation, alienation, rencontre,
reconnaissance, connaissance, processus,
dérangement, diagnostic.
Rogers entwickelte das Konzept, dass “die wesentlichen Bedingungen für
Psychotherapie in einer einzigen Konfiguration bestehen, auch wenn der
Klient davon sehr unterschiedlich Gebrauch macht“. Beinhaltet diese
Überzeugung tatsächlich die Ablehnung von Differenzierung und Diagnose? Aus
dialogischer Sicht haben Therapeuten und Klienten nicht nur eine Beziehung,
sie sind Beziehungen und damit sind sie in jeder therapeutischen Beziehung
anders. Wird Personzentrierte Psychotherapie als personale Begegnung
verstanden, so bedeutet das nicht nur gemeinsam gestaltetes Erleben, sondern
auch gemeinsam gestaltetes Reflektieren der Beziehungserfahrungen. Dieser
erkenntnistheoretische Paradigmenwechsel der Personzentrierten Therapie
führt zu einer grundsätzlichen Gegenposition zu traditioneller Diagnose und
Klassifizierung: Der Klient bzw. die Klientin ist es, der/die Bedeutung
seines/ihres Erlebens bestimmt und so den Therapeuten bzw. die Therapeutin „in-formiert“,
der/die herausgefordert ist, sich zu öffnen und die gemeinsam gestaltete
Entwicklung einer einzigartigen Beziehung zu riskieren – es zu riskieren,
diese Beziehung zu werden. Der Artikel entwickelt Kriterien für eine genuin
personzentrierte Konzeption verschiedener Prozessverläufe der
Al rechazar la psicoterapia centrada en la intervención, Rogers propuso la
concepción que “las condiciones esenciales de la psicoterapia existen en una
configuración única, aunque el consultante tal vez las use de un modo muy
diferente”. ¿Implica realmente esta convicción una negación a diferenciar o a
diagnosticar? Desde un punto de vista dialógico los terapeutas y los
consultantes no son sólo vistos como estando en relaciones; como personas
ellos son relaciones, lo cual los hace diferentes en cada contacto terapéutico.
La terapia centrada en la persona, conceptualizada como encuentro personal
implica no solo co-vivenciar sino también co-reflejar sobre las experiencias
en la relación.
Este cambio de paradigma de la terapia centrada en la persona implica una
contraposición fundamental al diagnóstico y a la clasificación tradicional: es
el consultante quien define el significado de su vivenciar y por lo tanto
“in-forma” al terapeuta el cual se ve desafiado a abrirse y arriesgar la
co-creación del proceso de convertirse en una relación única. El artículo
desarrolla criterios para una conceptualización genuinamente centrada en la
persona de diferentes procesos de desarrollo de la personalidad.
It is orthopractice that always challenges
He has been writing so many articles and books that one wonders if anybody has read them all. Most of his books and articles have been written originally in German, but during the last years many of them have been translated into English. Peter has got an enormous amount of energy which might explain how it is possible that this one person has been doing all the work he does. This pertains not only to the writing, but also to the organizational work and training programmes he is involved in. The importance of Peter's work, especially at this point of development of the person-centered approach, lies in his ability to explicate the essence of person-centered therapy. In this moment we seem to have been arrived at a crucial cross-road, we need to know exactly who we are and who we are not, so that we can enter a new phase of our evolution. As a philosopher and theologian, Peter is better than anybody else able to do this type of work. And we can be glad he is doing it because he brings to our approach an enormous amount of knowledge from the western philosophical and Christian tradition, which is of great help to us to further develop our apporoach into the 21st century.
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PCE Conference
Differentiation and Person-Centeredness' more info | Website PCE Conference 2003 |