Abstract Article Psychotherapy  

Peter F. Schmid

Knowledge or acknowledgement?
Psychotherapy as 'the art of not-knowing' — Prospects on further developments of a radical paradigm

Erkennen oder Anerkennen? Psychotherapie als 'Kunst des Nicht-Wissens' — Ausblicke auf weitere Entwicklungen eines radikalen Paradigmas

¿Conocimiento o Reconocimiento? La Psicoterapia como “El Arte de No Saber” — Perspectivas de Futuros Desarrollos de un Paradigma Radical

Abstracts of the article from: Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapies, Volume 1, Issues 1&2, 2002

Based on papers given at the International Colloquium on the 100th anniversary of Carl Rogers ‘Advancing person-centred theory and practice: What is essential?’ (Vienna, November 24, 2001), the conference ‘Le Centenaire de Carl Rogers. Actualité de son message personnaliste’ (Paris, January 27, 2002), and a lecture at the University of Leuven (November 8, 2001).



Knowledge or acknowledgement?
Psychotherapy as 'the art of not-knowing' — Prospects on further developments of a radical paradigm

A way of celebrating the one hundredth anniversary that Carl Rogers himself probably would have liked is to proceed with the understanding of what his revolution means today and what challenges are ahead for tomorrow: within and outside of the ‘person-centered community'. What tasks are ahead if we try to carry Rogers’ intentions forward? Such developments need to be carefully rooted in and checked with the anthropological foundations of person-centeredness. The paper intends to give a short overview of some major developments in the encounter philosophical understanding of the person-centered approach and its ethical and epistemological foundations with the focus on psychotherapy. Based on this, some consequences for a newer understanding of psychotherapy in general as an ethical enterprise and further developments of the person-centered approach are indicated.

Keywords: Anthropology, ethics, person, encounter, presence.


Erkennen oder Anerkennen?
Psychotherapie als 'Kunst des Nicht-Wissens'  — Ausblicke auf weitere Entwicklungen eines radikalen Paradigmas


Carl Rogers hätte es vermutlich gefallen, seinen hundertsten Geburtstag damit zu feiern, Überlegungen zum Thema voranzutreiben, was seine revolutionären Ansätze heute bedeuten.  Dies verbunden mit der Frage, welche Herausforderungen für morgen anstehen, und zwar innerhalb wie außerhalb der „personzentrierten Gemeinschaft“: Welche Aufgaben liegen vor uns, wenn wir seine Anliegen weiterführen?  Solche Entwicklungen müssen freilich sorgfältig daraufhin überprüft werden, ob sie in den anthropologischen Grundlagen personzentrierten Denkens und Handelns wurzeln.  Der Aufsatz gibt eine kurze Übersicht über einige bedeutsame Entwicklungen im begegnungsphilosophischen Verständnis des Personzentrierten Ansatzes und seiner ethischen und erkenntnistheoretischen Grundlagen mit dem Schwerpunkt auf Psychotherapie.  Darauf aufbauend werden einige Konsequenzen für ein neues Verständnis von Psychotherapie im Allgemeinen als ethisches Unterfangen und für weitere Entwicklungen des Personzentrierten Ansatzes aufgezeigt.


¿Conocimiento o Reconocimiento?
La Psicoterapia como “El Arte de No Saber” — Perspectivas de Futuros Desarrollos de un Paradigma Radical

Una manera de celebrar el centésimo aniversario que probablemente le hubiera gustado al mismo Carl Rogers es proceder con la comprensión de lo que su revolución significa hoy en día y de qué desafíos yacen para el mañana: dentro y fuera de la ‘comunidad centrada en la persona’. ¿Qué tareas tenemos enfrente si intentamos llevar más adelante las intenciones de Rogers? Estos desarrollos necesitan estar cuidadosamente enraizados y verificados en relación con los fundamentos antropológicos de ser centrado en la persona (“person-centeredness”). Este artículo se propone ofrecer una breve visión general de algunos importantes desarrollos en la comprensión, desde la perspectiva filosófica del encuentro, del enfoque centrado en la persona y de sus fundamentos éticos y epistemológicos, con el foco en la psicoterapia. En función de esto, se indican algunas consecuencias para una nueva comprensión de la psicoterapia en general como una empresa ética y para nuevos desarrollos del enfoque centrado en la persona

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I admired your paper in the first issue of the world journal.
Barry Grant

I wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed reading your articles in the inaugural edition of PCEP journal on 'Knowledge and Acknowledgement' and on ''Back to the Client: a Phenomenonological ...' in the spring 2004 edition. Also I have been re-reading your chapter 'Face to Face. ....' in the book on UPR ('Rogers' Therapeutic Conditions' series).
I have recently found your writing very inspiring and clarifying and it has helped me enormously in my own thinking and reflecting on my practice. So I wanted to thank for your contributions to that journal and want to read some of your other writings. Your body of work feels very developed and represents for me a mature and vital contribution to the person-centred literature.
Paul McGahey, Brighton, England

One can, per definition, not be an expert on something that is unique, one cannot insert something that one predicts will be helpful, because predictions cannot be made about that which is unique and therefore completely new and unknown. I very much like Peter Schmidt's expression that CCT is the art of not knowing. When the therapist inserts expertise the client is treated as a duplicate of another, already known person, maybe as the "average person" of some research, or as a previous client or ...... just not as the client in his or her uniqueness. And I do assume that respect for client uniqueness is an important aspect of UPR.
Lisbeth Sommerbeck, February 2005

As a trainee counsellor (MSc Counselling Psychology, Keele University,UK), I have found your paper most helpful. After starting a placement, my supervisor asked me what I was going to 'do' with my client and suggested that I was politically correct personed-centred. Your article has given me the confidence to integrate my learning with my practice. Thank you.
C. B., Keele University, UK. February 2007

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