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Myth - Dream - Reality | Mythos - Traum - Wirklichkeit | Mythe - Rêve - Réalité
Plenary lecture | Hauptvortrag
Wednesday, July 7, 1999
»A way of being with« (C. Rogers)
Prospects on further developments of a radical paradigm
While goal- and skill-oriented approaches in psychotherapy are en vogue mainly because of socio-political claims for efficiency, open and holistic concepts and a relationship-orientated understanding become more important in various schools. In a radical paradigm change, not yet fully sounded out, the person-centered approach focussed on the human being as person and on the art of encounter half a century ago. Thus, this approach commits itself to an image of man rooted in the European Jewish-Christian tradition the claim of which still has to be met in theory and practice in spite of tendencies towards eclectically watering down or underrating it.
In the person-centered approach both traditional lines of understanding of the term »person« (the individualistic view of being a person which emphazises autonomy, freedom and dignity, and the relational view of becoming a person which stresses the inclination to relationship, encounter and dialogue) are connected in a unique way - in a tension which is to be endured (»Become who you are«). Thus, personhood, ethically founded, is conceptualized as response in a communication into which men and women are born, from where his or her respons-ability evolves. In the sense of encounter philosophy, in particular the radical understanding of Emmanuel Lévinas, the client is focussed as actually being an Other, which makes of the therapist not only an alter ego but a partner in the encounter. Therapy becomes a mutual experience of encounter proceeding from the enclosed »I-Thou« to the open »We«. In this perspective the importance of the group and of group therapy at the interface between person and society becomes obvious.
Actual tendencies and necessary further developments, the ongoing challenge of the person-centered approach in anthropology, theory and practice of psychotherapy and its relation to other approaches are discussed.
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Die Person steht im Zentrum
Zum Vortrag von Peter F. Schmid
"A way of being with" (C. Rogers) Zur Weiterentwicklung eines radikalen
Damit, den Fokus von Psychotherapie darauf zu legen, dass die Klientin bzw. der Klient selbst es ist, der "weiß", wo es therapeutisch langzugehen hat, hat Carl Rogers einen radikalen Wechsel in der Psychotherapie eingeleitet.
Der Personzentrierte Ansatz setzt nicht auf das Expertentum der Therapeutinnen und Therapeuten, sondern auf die unermesslichen Ressourcen der Person, die unter geeigneten Bedingungen der beste Experte für sich selbst ist.
Das Entscheidende in der Therpie sind daher der Respekt vor dem Anderen und die Gestaltung der Beziehung angesichts der realen Verhältnisse im Gesundheitssystem mehr denn je eine revolutionäre Position.
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