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Your gateway to the person-centered and experiential world | Das Portal zur personzentrierten und experienziellen Welt 
    Gateway to the pc & experiential world

Website Peter F. Schmid (multilingual)
Website Peter F. Schmid

Die österreichische personzentrierte Website 
    Österreich personzentriert (Austria)

World Association for Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapy and Counseling 
World Association (WAPCEPC)

Network of the European Associations for Person-Centred and Experiential Psychotherapy and Counselling
European Network (NEAPCEPC)


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Click here for the updates of (Website P.F.Schmid)

10 07 07  PCEP - The World Journal
06 07 07  +  Obituary Donald J. Kiesler

12 02 07  Face to Face (Japanese)
06 07 07  Users: statistics I-VI 2007
05 07  Workshops until March 2008
20 02
07 New York PC site
12 02
07  Face to Face (Japanese)
27 12
06   Search all parts of the website
24 12 0 Preguntándose para responder -
28 11 0 Warm Springs and other events 2007
18 11
06   Workshops spring & summer 2007
29 10 0 Article "Le non-savoir créatif"
17 10 06"Sexualities - a pc perspective" (PowerPoint)
28 7
06 Mulicultural encounter group Japan
  1 7
06  New booklet: "In the beginning ..." — order now!

15 5 06   Workshops autumn & winter 2006/07
14 4
06 Download PowerPoint Temenos & Metanoia 2006
21 3
06 PFS: Workshops & Papers England & Scotland 2006
20 3
0 PERSON 2|05: Contents, abstracts, editorial
19 2
06   Red Iberoamericana Centrada en la Persona
31 12
05  South American PC Network

12 11 05   Workshops spring & summer 2006
30 10
05 PCE 2006 - en español
30 10 05 ACP/ECP - en español
3 10
05 ecp España (PCA Spain)
3 10
05 Focusing in Greece
28 9
05 Conference to honour the work of Dave Mearns
27 9
05 Editorship of special journal issues pfs
26 9
05 PERSON 1|05: Inhalt, Abstracts, Editorial
26 9 05  Turkiye | Turkey: contact
  8 8 05  paginae in lingVa latina
  2 7 05  Users: statistics January through June 2005
  6 6 0 4th World Congress - PC Roundtable & Forum
28 4 0Paper "Was ist personzentriert?"

25 4 05   Workshops autumn & winter 2005/06
21 5 0 4th Word Congress - Keynote Schmid & Mearns
18 4
0 25ème anniversaire de | Anniversary of  PCAI
  5 4
0 2nd Symposium NEAPCEPC, Lisbon
28 3
05   Japanese pages
25 2
05    Sites français nouveaux
11 2
05    ACP - Pratique et Recherche: Parution 2005
10 2 05    +  Laura Rice died - Obituary & bibliography
10 2 0  Norwich - Post Conference Website
11 1 05     New office hours from Jan 17, 2005
  5  1
05  12ème rencontre:Gay Swenson
  4  1 05   20th ADPCA Annual Meeting
31 12
04  Users: statistics 2004
20 12
04 IIndex PERSON 1997 - 2004
20 12
04 PERSON 2|04: Contents, Abstracts, Editorial
13 12
 04   New website Luxembourg
23 11
 04   X PCA Forum Internacional 2007

15 11 04   Workshops spring & summer 2005
15 10 04  Website 4th WCP 2005 Argentina updated
8 11
04   Carl Rogers Online Bibliography updated
8 10
0  Rogers/Schmid, Person-zentriert: 5. Auflage erschienen
5 10 04  +  Jan Rombauts died
21 9
04 Swedish pages | på svenska

10 9 04  Symposium Salzburg - Book of Abstracts
  4 9
04 Comprehensive information about the new journal | Umfassende Information | Informazione più ampi | Información amplio PCEP 3|2004  - Papers Egmond
  3 9 04   PCE 2006: First Announcement & Call f. Papers
  3 9 04   International Journals Psychoth. & Counseling
  1 9 0 Article "Rencontre"
23 8 04   +  John K. Wood died
23 8 04   +  Tony Merry died
 8  8
04  Users: statistics by countries
 3  8
04   Website ODEF (Suisse)
 3  8 04 Paper 'Psychotherapy & Spirituality' (Norwich)
 1  8
04 Short bio in Chinese

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