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18 10 02      The Chicago Conference Volume - Details

11 10 02     "¿Conocimiento o Reconocimiento?" (PCEP 1)

10 10 02      New part of this website: Training

8 10 02        Link:  Személyközpontú Szemlélet és Pszichoterápia

7 10 02        2e Université d' été, Normandie

7 10 02       Képzés és továbbképzés alapelvei

7 10 02        Iran: PCA contact address

6 10 02       PFS at the Psychotherapy Colloquium, La Jolla  

4 10 02    Home    Links: Swiss Institute of PCA, Partner Focusing

4 10 02        Congres VCgP: De therapeutische relatie

2 10 02        Website PCE Conference 2003

1 10 02        Topical books - revised | aktuelle Bücher - neu

27 9 02      Link: Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT)

23 9 02        Menù italiano

15 9 02       Vortrag PFS in Weinsberg (ÄGG-Tagung)

15 9 02        "Person": Powerpoint-Presentation:  Engl. | Deutsch

14 9 02        Carl Rogers Forum in Heidelberg

14 9 02        Conference on Spirituality in Norwich

10 9 02     +    Tom Gordon died

27 8 02        Petra F. Qmida po-russkij v internete

26 8 02        Warm Springs Workshop 2003

26 8 02        Oncoming international events updated

25 8 02        Powerpoint presentations WCP & La Jolla

25 8 02        CD-ROM 'Carl Rogers. A Daughter's Tribute'

25 8 02        Online Bibliography C. Rogers - updated

25 8 02       25th Austria Programm 2003 with B. Thorne

23 7 02        Powerpoint presentations 3rd PCA Colloquium

23 7 02        3rd PCA Colloquium - Minutes

17 7 02         Globalized Psychotherapy: PCT

14 7 02        NEAPCEPC: 5th General Assembly, Vienna '02

  6 7 02         Recent book: Start into a new century

  6 7 02         Vol. 4: Contact and Perception

25 6 02        'Person-Centered & Experiential Psychotherapies'

  2 5 02      Person-Centered Psychotherapy - An introduction
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